The Cheneau Brace

  • سال انتشار: 1398
  • محل انتشار: سیزدهمین کنگره سراسری ارتوز و پروتز ایران
  • کد COI اختصاصی: NCOP13_034
  • زبان مقاله: انگلیسی
  • تعداد مشاهده: 401
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Mohammed Khaled HADDAM,

Tlemcen (Algeria)

Jacques CHENEAU,

Toulouse (France)

Mohammed Zakaria HADDAM

orthopedic Technician, Tlemcen (Algeria)


Among 9 simultaneous actions that we describe for the so-called Chêneau corset , five have been proven and four seem are obvious from photographic and various others data, in sufficient numbers to be quantified. The main basics action of the corset consists in the interaction of many three points systems. We describe each action at each floor, and at each scoliosis curvature studied in two clinical forms of typical long corsets. There are scoliosis with four and those with three bends. Those nine actions are:1- Recovery of side bends 2- Derotation. 3- Restoration of growth upwards. 4- Rib static. 5- Reversal of the asymmetry of both oblique diameters of the thorax. 6- Hollow back. 7- Double valence of both important but complex areas. 7- and 19 below the right breast. 8- Physiological and physical restoration of symmetry of breathing. 9- Return of the wedge shaped vertebrae to a parallelepiped shape.The treatments are carried out by supports acting in four levels of adjustment when lateral bending and rotations and when scoliosis in four curvatures are concerned. In scoliosis with three curves, there are only three floors which concern adjustments of lateral curves have to be straightened. But the same four floors for derotation are valid.

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