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How Would PLGA Nanoparticles Which Modified with Curcumin Can Help Alzheimer’s Disease Therapeutic Intervention

عنوان مقاله: How Would PLGA Nanoparticles Which Modified with Curcumin Can Help Alzheimer’s Disease Therapeutic Intervention
شناسه ملی مقاله: NIMED03_280
منتشر شده در سومین همایش بین المللی التهاب سیستم عصبی و سومین فستیوال دانشجویی علوم اعصاب در سال 1398
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

Leila Amini Noghondar - Department of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran
Faezeh Sadat Hasheminezhad Hoseini - Student Research Committee, Faculty of Medicine, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran

خلاصه مقاله:
Alzheimer’s disease(AD) is the most common type of dementia, a progressive,neurodegenerative and noncurable which there areno available treatments reverse the progression of the disease. AD is characterized by neuronal loss caused by amyloid β (Aβ) aggregation, tau hyperphosphorylation and cortical atrophy.AD affects nearly 5.5 million people. Unfortunately, conventional methods like acetylcholinesterase inhibitor drugs, are not so effective owing to restrictive mechanisms imposed at the blood-brain barrier (BBB), poor solubility, and low bioavailability. Also, BBB is a major obstacle facing brain diseases such as multiple sclerosis, brain tumors, and strokes, etc. Engineered nanomaterials are providing interesting biomedical tools potentially able to solve these problems. The important technological advantages of nanoparticles used as drug carriers are high stability, high carrier capacity, the feasibility of incorporation of both hydrophilic and hydrophobic substances, etc. Biodegradable nanoparticles such as PLGA, PLA, chitosan gelatin, etc. Herein PLGA (lactide-co-glycolicacid nanoparticles) remarkably decreased the level of Aβ, reactive oxygen species (ROS), TNF-α and IL-6, and enhanced the activities of superoxide dismutase(SOD) and synapse numbers in vitro. Curcumin (Cur) hasbeen proved to have potential use in AD with its antiamyloid,anti-inflammatory, and anti-oxidant properties,etc. But its low solubility and bioavailability hinder its application. Some studies have established that curcumin-encapsulated PLGA nanoparticles (Cur- PLGA-NPs) potently induce neural stem cells(NSC) proliferation and neuronal differentiation in vitro, as compared to uncoated bulk curcumin. It also hence drug delivery properties of curcumin nano-formulation in the Alzheimer’s disease therapeutic interventions. for example: selenium nanoparticles (Se NPs), with B6 peptide and was loaded with Cur (PLGA-PEG-B6/Cur), with rosmarinic acid in form 83-14 MAb-RA-CURPAAM- CL-PLGA NPs and couple nanoparticle withTet-1 peptide. Conclusion: Due to confirmed effective role of mefenamic acid in AD treatment we hypothesize that applying mefenamic acid in the curcumin nanoformulation may show promising result.

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