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Relationship between Organizational Culture and Knowledge Management from the Perspective of Faculty Members

عنوان مقاله: Relationship between Organizational Culture and Knowledge Management from the Perspective of Faculty Members
شناسه ملی مقاله: JR_FMEJ-7-4_008
منتشر شده در شماره 4 دوره 7 فصل در سال 1396
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

Zohreh Sohrabi - Center for Educational Research in Medical Science. Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran|Department of Medical Education, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Fatemeh Behbouyeh Jozam - Department of Medical Education, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Javad Rafinejad - Department of Medical Entomology and Vector Control, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Akbar Biglarian - Department of Biostatistics, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, Tehran, Iran.|Pediatric Neurorehabilitation Research Center, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, Tehran, Iran.

خلاصه مقاله:
Introduction: Organizational culture and knowledge management will affect all aspects of the organization. Successful knowledge management is required to improve of organizational culture. In fact the organizational culture is the base of knowledge management. The context of appropriate organizational culture provides more effective application of knowledge or knowledge management and case the promotion and development of organization. So in this study investigated between two components of organizational culture and knowledge. Methods: Organizational culture and knowledge management were evaluated by pre-approved questionnaire. This study was examined on all faculty members of Research Centers Affiliate to University of Medical Sciences. After using Smirnoph Colomogroph test to determine data normality, Descriptive and analytical statistics was performed by SPSS software (version 21). Results: Current situation review of organizational culture and knowledge management of considrered centers were assessed as average (range, 3 to 4). Pearson correlation coefficient results was also showed a significant correlation between organizational culture and knowledge management (P= 0.926). Organizational collaboration and knowledge management relationship was not significant (P <0.001); also a significant relationship was found between organizational involvement, adaptability, consistency and Mission with Knowledge management (P <0.001). Conclusion: In order to achieve the goals of proper management of knowledge in promoting organizational culture in research centers it is essential to provide the necessary training and skills because there was a direct link between knowledge management and organizational culture.    

کلمات کلیدی:
Introduction: Organizational culture and knowledge management will affect all aspects of the organization. Successful knowledge management is required to improve of organizational culture. In fact the organizational culture is the base of knowledge m, also a significant relationship was found between organizational involvement, adaptability, consistency and Mission with Knowledge management (P <0.001). Conclusion: In order to achieve the goals of proper management of knowledge in promoting organiz

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