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How duration time and equity involvement affect the startup-incumbent cooperation A qualitative study

عنوان مقاله: How duration time and equity involvement affect the startup-incumbent cooperation A qualitative study
شناسه ملی مقاله: ICOCS02_131
منتشر شده در کنفرانس بین المللی مطالعات بین رشته ای در مدیریت و مهندسی در سال 1397
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

Seyedamirreza. Enjavi - Master of Technology Management student, University of Tehran

خلاصه مقاله:
Realized as the prime creator of mass occupation in today’s economies, startups have occupied a landmark position as the technology mutation drivers. Putting aside the staggering numbers unsuccessful launches of startups, the prospering ones demonstrate a notable role in development of national innovation index and breed whopping amount of occupation to offset the lost occupations resulted from failed startups; and even yield substantial job creation figures in macro arena. The other eminent driver of economy, incumbent firms contrary to being imparted of various tangible and intangible resources, assets and capabilities likely unavailable to startups, are almost fragile to the tensions caused by markets’ alterations. Whereas the vivid features of mature companies such as complexity of structure and focused decision making along with conservative views towards markets reduce their inclination to take advantage of opportunities and decrease their capability to adapt with emerging streams of alterations. Therefore conducting collaborations between startups and incumbents could be a bilateral effective solution; via which startups access to the complementary resources critical to enter the markets; and incumbents get imparted of startups’ agility and innovative capability. This also facilitates propagating entrepreneurial behavior among incumbents’ employees. Having reviewed the recent literature in this respect, this research presents a framework to investigate the influence of cooperation duration and equity involvement on cooperation mechanism; using meta-synthesis research method.

کلمات کلیدی:
Startups, Incumbents, Equity, Duration, Cooperation

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