A New Approach to Order Management in CRM Applications
- سال انتشار: 1383
- محل انتشار: اولین کنفرانس لجستیک و زنجیره تامین
- کد COI اختصاصی: NCLSC01_063
- زبان مقاله: انگلیسی
- تعداد مشاهده: 2893
Computer Engineering & IT Department Amirkabir University of Technology Hafez Avenue, Tehran, Iran
Nowadays, application of information technology in supply chain Management has increased the role of the CRM applications in e-Commerce systems. Current surveys show that existing CRM applications are not very successful in managing customer relationships. The main cause of this problem is lack of exact and enough information about the provided organization services and products. In this paper, we present a new approach to requirement identifications, service presentation and service evolution in a Web-based order management service for CRM applications. In this service, we use the Standard Classification of Goods (SCG) and Standard Classification of Industries (SCI) to implement the service and companies classification respectively. The proposed order management service allows customers to define their orders and manages the received orders to deliver them to related companies. Presented proposals are evaluated and service begins to negotiate with the bidders that have gained an acceptable negotiation ratio. This negotiation increases the utility of both customer and companies. The proposed order management service tries to provide the best possible proposal in specified time duration so it is efficient. The main distinguishing feature of this service related to other existing services in the market is its unique approach to customer requirements identification and its proposal evaluation method.کلیدواژه ها
e-commerce, CRM, order management service, negotiationاطلاعات بیشتر در مورد COI
COI مخفف عبارت CIVILICA Object Identifier به معنی شناسه سیویلیکا برای اسناد است. COI کدی است که مطابق محل انتشار، به مقالات کنفرانسها و ژورنالهای داخل کشور به هنگام نمایه سازی بر روی پایگاه استنادی سیویلیکا اختصاص می یابد.
کد COI به مفهوم کد ملی اسناد نمایه شده در سیویلیکا است و کدی یکتا و ثابت است و به همین دلیل همواره قابلیت استناد و پیگیری دارد.