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Effect spraying extract of organic fertilizer and Ascorbic acid on growth and flowering parameters of Fressiahybrida plants and its content of carotene pigments

عنوان مقاله: Effect spraying extract of organic fertilizer and Ascorbic acid on growth and flowering parameters of Fressiahybrida plants and its content of carotene pigments
شناسه ملی مقاله: CFAS01_229
منتشر شده در کنگره توسعه همکاری های علمی منطقه ای علوم صنایع غذایی و کشاورزی در سال 1397
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

Mushtaq Talib Hammadi AL-Zurfi - Department of Horticulture – Faculty of Agriculture – University of Kufa - Iraq
Jamal Ahmed Abbass - Department of Horticulture – Faculty of Agriculture – University of Kufa - Iraq
Marwa Mohammad Hamza - Department of Horticulture – Faculty of Agriculture – University of Kufa - Iraq
Adil Eslam - Department of Horticulture – Faculty of Agriculture – University of Kufa - Iraq

خلاصه مقاله:
An experiment was conducted at the lath house covered with saran in the nursery of the Faculty of Agriculture University of Kufa during the growing seasons of 2016-2017 to study effect of spraying extract of organic fertilizer and ascorbic acid on growth and flowering parameters of freesia plants and its flower content of carotene pigment. Experiment was adopted a Randomized Complete Block Design (R.C.B.D) with three replicates in two factors. First three concentration of extract organic fertilizeri e.(0, 5 and 10%). Second three concentration of ascorbic acid i.e.(0, 40 and 80)mg.L-1. Means were compared by using the Least Significant Difference (L.S.D.) test at probability of 0.05. Results showed that spraying extract of organic fertilizerat a concentration 10m.L-1 and ascorbic acid at a concentration 40mg.L-1significantly increased the number of leaves to 7.67leaf.plant-1, shoot dry weight to 2.96g, total chlorophyll content in leaf to 62.13mg.100g-1fresh weight, total soluble carbohydrate in leaf to 8.00mg.g-1dry weight,decrease the day for flowering to 144days, number of inflorescence to 6.33 inflorescence.plant-1, number of florets per inflorescence to 11.67, floret diameter to 7.73cm and flower content of total carotene to 11.91mg.100g-1dry weight, Alpha-carotene to 7.85mg.100g-1dry weight and Beta-carotene to 9.63mg.100g-1dry weight, compared to the control treatment which gave the lowest vales (4.00 leaves.plant-1, 1.30g, 54.96mg.100g-1 fresh weight, 5.06mg.100g-1 dry weight, 3.67inflorescence.plant-1, 5.67floret. inflorescence-1, 9.20mg.100g-1dry weight,4.94mg.100g-1dry weight, 6.99mg.100g-1dry weight) respectively and increased the days to flowering to 162.67days.

کلمات کلیدی:
Freesia hybrid plant, extract of organic fertilizer. Ascorbic acid

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