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Comparison of HPLC and immune-turbidometery methods in HbA1c testing

عنوان مقاله: Comparison of HPLC and immune-turbidometery methods in HbA1c testing
شناسه ملی مقاله: ACPLMED15_011
منتشر شده در پانزدهمین همایش سالانه انجمن علمی آسیب شناسی ایران در سال 1392
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

Yalda Gholamian - Reference & Health Laboratory , Tehran, Iran
Marjan Rahnemay Farzami - Reference & Health Laboratory , Tehran, Iran
Simindokht Sahabi - Reference & Health Laboratory , Tehran, Iran
Manijeh Vazifehdoost - Reference & Health Laboratory , Tehran, Iran

خلاصه مقاله:
introduction:Determination of HbA1c could be important factor in preventing side effects of diabeticcondition, therefor an accurate and precise method for determination of HbA1c Concentrationis necessary. Nowadays there are several methods for measure HbA1c, such as , Agar gelelectrophoresis, ion exchange chromatography ،bronate affinity chromatography ، immuneturbidometery.These different methods should be consistent with each other. So In thisstudy, two methods for measurement of HbA1c ( HPLC & immune-turbidometery )havebeen compared.Material & method:In this study, 158 patients with diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2 were evaluated .concentrationof HbA1c was measured with two methods, HPLC (with D10 system witch selected asreference method) and immuno - turbidometry (with Elitech kit ) . Concentration of HbA1c insamples was measured ,simultaneously in one working day with two methods, andcommercial control were used in each run.Results:HbA1c concentration range of samples in HPLC method was 4.4% to 13.1% and in immuno– turbidometry method was 3.8% to 12.1%. HbA1c mean in HPLC method was 7.76% and inimmuno – turbidometry method was 8.31%. Statistical comparison of results was performedby SPSS software.r = 0.989 r² = 0.978 Y = 0.958 X - 0.20Mean difference = 0.55 Confidence interval = 95%According to the analysis results (P > 0.05), Difference in HbA1c levels in two methods werenot significant.Conclusion:based on our results , these two methods are consistent with each other . Reference interval ofthese methods is the same and we can use both of these methods for HbA1c testing.According to the great importance of HbA1c testing in the prognosis of variouscomplications of diabetes, It is necessary to consider other methods of measurement and theauthorities should be consider to the Incorporation of The various methods of measuringHbA1c.

کلمات کلیدی:
diabete, HbA1c, glycated hemoglobin

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