Ethics in Personalized Medicine

  • سال انتشار: 1396
  • محل انتشار: دومین کنگره بین المللی پزشکی شخصی
  • کد COI اختصاصی: IPMCMED02_186
  • زبان مقاله: انگلیسی
  • تعداد مشاهده: 413
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Dariush D. Farhud

MD, PhD, MG Prof. of Medical Genetics & Anthropology Member of WHO Committee of Ethics- Geneva Member of Iranian Academy of Medical Sciences- Tehran/ Iran Member of Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS)- Triest/ Italy


Background: Personalized medicine is a novel perspective in medicine and it is in challenge with potential classical perspective of medicine against patients. For analyzing the basics of ethics in personalized medicine, the accurate definition is provided. Personalized medicine points to design and presentation of medical services to individual in different areas; presentation, diagnosis, treatment and care fit to the genetic, cellular and molecular of each person. Undoubtedly, four basic principles are discussed in personalized medicine: Autonomy is defined as respect to ideas and acceptance of patient’s decisions. Also, it seems that health and welfare of each one is the attractive principle in personalized medicine. Undoubtedly, this perspective focuses on the ethical principle called beneficence.One of the basic goals of personalized medicine is increase of security and decrease of impairment of drugs and distinction between patients who benefit and do not benefit from one treatment. It is clear that decrease of risk or non-maleficence is another principle of medicine ethics. Therefore, non-maleficence in personalized medicine means as preventing from impairments of diagnostic and treatment services and minimizing the possible injuries.Finally, justice means as provide fair and equal diagnostic and treatment services for all patients and clients. It is an important aim of medical ethics. Unfortunately, it cannot be met in personalized medicine as other expensive medical services. This is where we find the role of effective insurance. Conclusion: Personalized medicine’s projects have arguable ethical consideration in individual and social level. Expected beneficence of this project for people and groups can be followed by undesirable and unwanted results. Therefore, ethical issues must be considered carefully. The notable point is that; considering ethical issues in personalized medicine is depending to social health policies as scientific developments.

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