Investigating the role of probiotics in coping with cancer and health in society

  • سال انتشار: 1396
  • محل انتشار: سومین سمپوزیوم بین المللی سرطان نسترن
  • کد COI اختصاصی: NASTARANCANSER03_015
  • زبان مقاله: انگلیسی
  • تعداد مشاهده: 576
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Nutrition Sciences Sciences With A Focus On Food Microbiology, Abadan School Of Medical Sciences, Abadan, Iran.


Probiotics are alive microorganisms which have useful effects on health of host by balancing its intestinalmicro flora. Nowadays probiotics are known as a factor for prevention from infectious diseaseand cancer. Anticancer properties of probiotics exert with the toxify of materials that cause genetic damages. The aim of this study issystematic review on studies in checking positive effects of probioticson health and their relationship with cancer.Related articles were searched in English at ACM, IEEE, Springer, Science Direct, Google Scholar, clinical trialsand systematic review literatures that have assessed effects of probiotics at prevention and treatment of cancer,enrolled in this study. There was a wide variation among studies in imaging parameters, type of used probiotics, hosttype and test conditions. The results imply that probiotic bacteria and yeasts can eliminate toxicity ofcarcinogensand induce cancer cell death in vitro. Also consumption of probiotics caused reduces cancer risk, stimulation ofimmune system and struggle to carcinogens. Despite acceptable evidence about their anti cancer properties, studiesin humans are still limited. Therefore, there is a need to plan for detailedclinical studies in human in such a wayobtained information can be used to treat

کلیدواژه ها

Prostate Cancer, Lung Cancer, Cervical Cancer, Cervical Cancer, Nutrition and Cancer

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