Epidemylogic investigations elements creating diabet on diabet pations in Esfahan Amin hospital in years 1385-1387

  • سال انتشار: 1388
  • محل انتشار: پنجمین همایش تازه های پرستاری و مامایی
  • کد COI اختصاصی: CNMN05_072
  • زبان مقاله: انگلیسی
  • تعداد مشاهده: 610
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fatemeh sokhanvari

Maryam khoei

kamal mir Amir khani

Zahra jalali


According to w.h.o forcast more than 180 million people in world have diabete ofcorce this calculation could be variable sometimes up to 800 million people as this organization seys diabet pationts amount would be towiced till year 2030 since nothing has done to reduce this epidemy .About 1.1 millione people were killed by diabet per year . and its important to know that more than 80 persent of this dead are in poor people as w.h.o seys the number of Diabeticpations would be increased due to population , getting older , bad habital of eatting , fat and moveless life in poor contries .Althugh base on who investigation in year 2025 the age of more diabetic people in Progresedcountry was about 65 years but in poor country this ege is between 45 up to 64 years .doctors normaly able to control diabet and its problems some how the pations could alive , exersize ,drug treatments and sutable eating have more important effect on diabet treatment.specialy on diabet number 2 important effect isPreventing diabet containing knowing high risk people and encouragethem to lose weight, have an exersize and have a good habite of eatingmaterial and metods: This studies is an adjectival studies and researches are refers to those poulation of diabetic pationts in amine hospitol in years 1385 -1387.The exact number of this pationswas 1024 ,also Selected , removed and Analized File of 10 percent of such pationts and reletive

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