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Study on performance and methods to optimize thermal oil boiler efficiency in cement industry

عنوان مقاله: Study on performance and methods to optimize thermal oil boiler efficiency in cement industry
شناسه ملی مقاله: JR_EES-4-1_006
منتشر شده در شماره 1 دوره 4 فصل Spring and Summer در سال 1395
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

Hamideh Mehdizadeh - Faculty of Chemical, Petroleum, and Gas Engineering, Semnan University, 35196-45399,Semnan, Iran
Abbas Alishah - Faculty of Chemical, Petroleum, and Gas Engineering, Semnan University, 35196-45399,Semnan, Iran
Saeid Hojjati Astani - Technical Department, Mazandaran Cement Company, Neka, Iran

خلاصه مقاله:
Cement production is an energy-intensive process, so that the cement industry occupies a top position among other energyconsuming industries. Among the equipment used in cementindustries, boilers are one of the energy-consuming equipment. Boilers are among the common heating equipment in industrial, commercial, and institutional facilities. In this paper, the performance of thermal oil boiler and useful methods in improvingits efficiency and saving energy was investigated. Under normal condition, results showed that the boiler was only working with 55% of its capacity, and in this case, boiler efficiency was 77.48%,based on the heat loss method. Moreover, optimization of excess air level in combustion process as one of the improving performancemethods increased the boiler efficiency by about 3%. The volume of fuel was also reduced to about 34.07 m3/HR, using economizer as another method

کلمات کلیدی:
Boiler Efficiency, Economizer, Excess Air, Thermal Oil Boiler

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