Seasonal Variations in Biomass and Seaweed Composition at Kish Island (Persian Gulf), I.R.Iran
عنوان مقاله: Seasonal Variations in Biomass and Seaweed Composition at Kish Island (Persian Gulf), I.R.Iran
شناسه ملی مقاله: ICMST06_158
منتشر شده در ششمین همایش علوم و فنون دریایی در سال 1384
شناسه ملی مقاله: ICMST06_158
منتشر شده در ششمین همایش علوم و فنون دریایی در سال 1384
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:
A. Dadolahi-Sohrab - University of Marine and Technology, Faculty of Oceanography, horamshahr ۶۶۹, I.R.Iran
A. Savari - Corresponding author
خلاصه مقاله:
A. Dadolahi-Sohrab - University of Marine and Technology, Faculty of Oceanography, horamshahr ۶۶۹, I.R.Iran
A. Savari - Corresponding author
The seasonal variations of seaweed biomass and species composition in the Kish Island were investigated at 5 sites. Sampling depths varied among sites, from 0.4 to 1.0 m below mean sea level. 23 algal species were collected during the study period. Cystoseira myrica and Padina gymnospora of brown seaweeds and Laurencia obtusa, Jania rubes and Champia parvula of red seaweeds and Cladophoropsis zollingeri and Chaetomorpha aerea of green seaweeds showed highest biomass in coastal areas of Kish Island. The Cheney's ration of 1.9 indicates a temperate algal flora to this area. All sites exhibited more than 50% similarity of algal species, indicating a relatively homogenous algal distribution. Total biomass showed the highest value of 1854.4+ 19.4 g wet wt m-2 during summer and lowest value of 309.5+ 10.0 g wet wt m-2 during winter. During sampling, the high biomass of seaweeds was recorded on the northwest (Site 4, 1551.2+74.3 g wet wt m-2) and est
(Site 3, 1482.8 = 124.9 g wet wt m-2) of Kish Island, whereas, the study area at east showed minimum seaweed biomass (Site 1,597.9+ 76.3 g wet wt m-2).
کلمات کلیدی: Seaweed, Biomass, Kish Island and Persian Gulf
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