A Survey on accumulation of Oil Pollutants in Persian Gulf Sediment and Coast

  • سال انتشار: 1384
  • محل انتشار: ششمین همایش علوم و فنون دریایی
  • کد COI اختصاصی: ICMST06_108
  • زبان مقاله: انگلیسی
  • تعداد مشاهده: 2570
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Delaram Golmarvi

Expert of Natural Environment and Biodiversity of Guilan Department of Environment, University Student of Pollution and Marine Environment Conservation(MS), Azad Islamic University, Faculty of Marine Science and Technology- North Tehran Branch.

Farahnaz Lagzaii

University Student of Pollution and Marine Environment Conservation (MS), Azad Islamic University, Faculty of Marine Science and Technology- North Tehran Branch.


Sedimentation is the interaction of atmosphere and hydrosphere on earth crust in which grain tend to be metamorphosed by oxygen, CO2 and water and form new crystals that have moved constancy. The origin of marine sediment is continental sediment or chemical reaction and biological activities in the sea. In Persian Gulf sediment sedimentation is controlled by interactions of each layers tectonic movement, arid climate, unusual evaporation, effects of Oman Sea and Indian Ocean and their coastal zones that provides a suitable habitat for aquatic organisms (especially benthos) and also a place for various pollutant accumulations specifically heavy metals and hydrocarbons because all factors that enter pollutants to the sea can cause pollution in water and sediment, between them oil pollution is the most hazardous one, especially in Persian Gulf that is semi-closed sea with a few depth that its only connection to the Indian Ocean is by Hormuz strait and doesn't have much interchange with the open sea, because oil patch movement is from Northwest across Southern coasts toward Hormuz strait and with a return movement across North toward West coast. Hydrocarbon deposit and other pollutants cause biological deterioration in sediment, DO decrease, reduction reactions, Ph decrease, Heavy metals and poisonous release from solid to liquid phase and effects on marine ecosystems and biodiversity. In this case oil pollution in sediment measured by sampling, organic extraction, UVF analysis and statistical methods such as cluster analysis and represented that the most oil pollution in sediment was in lower 50 m depth of Bandar Genaveh and in compare with 10,20 m the most polluted site was Booshehr and severe pollution condense were in sediment of Booshehr, Bandar Deylam, Genaveh which contains various pollution from Iran 8 years holy defense, Kuwait war, tankers crash, oil derrick explosion and one of its important reasons is sediment texture and grain size.

کلیدواژه ها

Sedimentation, Oil Pollution, Oil Accumulation, Persian Gulf

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