A study on Iranian English teachers’ attitudes on Social Justice in ELT setting

  • سال انتشار: 1393
  • محل انتشار: دومین کنفرانس ملی تحقیقات کاربردی در مطالعات زبان انگلیسی
  • کد COI اختصاصی: ELSCONF02_186
  • زبان مقاله: انگلیسی
  • تعداد مشاهده: 683
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Faride Khoshdel


As far as pedagogy is concerned, there have been lots of changes over the second half of the twentieth century. These changes epitomize a shift from a positivist-oriented perspective to a constructivistoriented one where democratic approaches of teaching have come to the fore. As a result, social justice has become a topic of significance in mainstream education. There are, however, no specific instruments to measure this construct in ELT settings. Therefore, this study aimed at developing a social justice instrument specific to ELT setting. To this end, based on information obtained from the literature and the researcher’s conceptualization of social justice, a tentative theoretical framework of social justice in ELT setting was developed. In the next stage, 19 English teachers were interviewed to find their opinions about and perceptions of justice in education. The tentative theoretical framework was then crosschecked with the results obtained from interviews, and a Likert-type ELT contextspecific social justice instrument was developed. Validation of the instrument was done through administration to 380 English language teachers.

کلیدواژه ها

Social Justice, ELT Social Justice Instrument

مقالات مرتبط جدید

اطلاعات بیشتر در مورد COI

COI مخفف عبارت CIVILICA Object Identifier به معنی شناسه سیویلیکا برای اسناد است. COI کدی است که مطابق محل انتشار، به مقالات کنفرانسها و ژورنالهای داخل کشور به هنگام نمایه سازی بر روی پایگاه استنادی سیویلیکا اختصاص می یابد.

کد COI به مفهوم کد ملی اسناد نمایه شده در سیویلیکا است و کدی یکتا و ثابت است و به همین دلیل همواره قابلیت استناد و پیگیری دارد.