Differential evolution algorithm (DE) to estimate the coefficients of uniformity of water distribution in sprinkler irrigation

  • سال انتشار: 1393
  • محل انتشار: ماهنامه بین المللی علوم محض و کاربردی، دوره: 3، شماره: 6
  • کد COI اختصاصی: JR_SJPAS-3-6_002
  • زبان مقاله: انگلیسی
  • تعداد مشاهده: 447
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r mansouri

Ph. D. Student; Water Eng. Dep., Lorestan University, KhoramAbad, Iran.Corresponding author; Ph. D. Student; Water Eng. Dep., Lorestan University, KhoramAbad, Iran.

h torabi

Assist. Prof., Water Eng. Dep., Lorestan University, KhoramAbad, Iran

d mirshahi

M.Sc. Student; Water Eng. Dep., Lorestan University, KhoramAbad, Iran.


Iran, has caused most of the water used and as much as possible to avoid losses. One of the important parameters in agriculture is water distribution uniformity coefficient (CU) in sprinkler irrigation. CU amount of water sprinkler operating depends on different pressure heads (P), riser height (RH), distance between sprinklers on lateral pipes (Sl) and the distance between lateral pipes (Sm). The best combination of the above parameters for maximum CU, is still unknown for applicators. In this research, CU quantities of zb model sprinkler (made in Iran) were measured at Hashemabad cotton research station of Gorgan under 3 different pressure heads (2.5, 3 and 3.5 atm), 2 riser heads (60 and 100 cm) and 7 sprinkler (Sl×Sm including 9×12, 9×15, 12×12, 15×12, 12×18, 15×15, 15×18m) arrangements. By using differential evolution algorithm (DE), CUequation was optimized and the best optimized coefficients obtained. In this algorithm, the coefficients F and CR equal to 2 and 0.5, respectively, with a population of 100 members and 1000 number of generations (iterations), provides the best results. Absolute error between the results of this algorithm with the measured results is 2.2%. As well as values Wilmot (d) and the rootmean square error (RMSE), equal to 0.919 and 2.126, respectively. This results show that this algorithm has high accuracy to estimate water distribution uniformity.

کلیدواژه ها

Uniformity coefficient , Water distribution , Sprinkler irrigation , Differential evolution algorithm (de) ,

اطلاعات بیشتر در مورد COI

COI مخفف عبارت CIVILICA Object Identifier به معنی شناسه سیویلیکا برای اسناد است. COI کدی است که مطابق محل انتشار، به مقالات کنفرانسها و ژورنالهای داخل کشور به هنگام نمایه سازی بر روی پایگاه استنادی سیویلیکا اختصاص می یابد.

کد COI به مفهوم کد ملی اسناد نمایه شده در سیویلیکا است و کدی یکتا و ثابت است و به همین دلیل همواره قابلیت استناد و پیگیری دارد.