Coupled Flexural-Torsional Vibration of LaminatedComposite Beams Subjected to Axial force and EndMoment – A Layerwise Discretization
- سال انتشار: 1393
- محل انتشار: چهارمین کنفرانس بین المللی کامپوزیت
- کد COI اختصاصی: COMPOSIT04_052
- زبان مقاله: انگلیسی
- تعداد مشاهده: 1613
PhD candidate, Department of Aerospace Eng., Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario M۵B ۲K۳, Canada
Professor, Department of Aerospace Eng., Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario M۵B ۲K۳, Canada
The coupled bending–torsion vibration of layered composite beams, subjected to axial load and end moment, is investigated. Based on the Euler-Bernoulli bending and St. Venant torsion beam theories, the differential equationsgoverning coupled flexural–torsional vibrations of a slender, prismatic, linearly elastic beam, undergoing coupled linear harmonic vibration, are developed. Considering the lengthwise discretization, and using proper Dynamic(frequency-dependent) interpolation functions in conjunction with the weighted residual method, the element Dynamic Stiffness Matrices (DSM) along the length of each layer are developed. A layer-wise discretization across the thicknessis also carried out, where each layer, or laminate with layers stacked at the same fibre angle, is modeled as an equivalent homogenized element. Implementing the elements matrices in a MATLAB-based code, the resultingeigenvalue problem is then solved to determine the natural frequencies and modes of illustrative prestressed beam examples, subjected to various boundary conditions, and exhibiting geometric bending-torsion coupling. The validityand effectiveness of the proposed method are verified against the frequency data obtained from an equivalent system based on overall homogenization, as well as commercial software (ANSYS®کلیدواژه ها
Prestress, laminated beam, coupled vibration, bending-torsion coupling, axial force, end moment, layer-wise discretizationمقالات مرتبط جدید
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