Social interactions in urban space

  • سال انتشار: 1393
  • محل انتشار: کنگره بین المللی پایداری درمعماری و شهرسازی - شهر مصدر
  • کد COI اختصاصی: CSAU01_376
  • زبان مقاله: انگلیسی
  • تعداد مشاهده: 489
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Leila Navadad

Department of Architectural Engineering, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University ,Tabriz, Iran . Tabriz, Roshdie S.t.


Success rate of urban spaces is related to its use of space and human fact , architecture should improve social interactions and human relationships instead of separation and discrimination.Though , what we are confronting with in such spaces , is reduced relationship and residents' social cooperation.The city , as a bed of human life , should enjoy public spaces for social and human interactions.Hence public spaces are considered as public properties for the residents.Urban spaces are not more places for joy and spending leisure time , rather they are considered as an important factor in social life of the residents.Urban spaces are places of confrontation of behaviors , thoughts , meanwhile they are considered as places for meeting citizens' needs.The most important parts of urban spaces are public spaces , the role of which is unfortunately ignored gradually in the cities.Such spaces include squares , pedestrians , parks and rendezvous.The main point in the field of social interactions is staying in the place.To create interaction , the urban space should accept citizens' presence.Since citizens' presence and stop in a place can create interactions between them.Social interactions of an urban space reflect activity type and events happening in that space.The more appropriate urban spaces , the more interactions , communications and activities will be on it and consequently individuals' presence time will be increased in it.Social interactions are formed in open public spaces like streets which invite residents to spend their leisure time or meet their needs in it and an area of the space is changed to a meeting place for them , gradually.Perception of spatial identity and sense of belonging to the environment and beauty is increased through appropriate design and better view design for the space , monuments and stopping space with flexible application in the field of public activities.

کلیدواژه ها

urban spaces, social interactions, public fields, public spaces

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