Chitosan Immobilization onto Poly Acrylic Acid Grafted Silicone as Wound Dressing

  • سال انتشار: 1390
  • محل انتشار: هفتمین کنگره ملی مهندسی شیمی
  • کد COI اختصاصی: ICHEC07_435
  • زبان مقاله: انگلیسی
  • تعداد مشاهده: 1067
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Elham Babaie

Amirkabir university of Technology,Biomedical engineering Department, P.O. Box ۱۵۸۷۵-۴۴۱۳, Tehran, Iran

Hamid Mirzadeh

Amirkabir university of Technology,Biomedical engineering Department, P.O. Box ۱۵۸۷۵-۴۴۱۳, Tehran, Iran

Hamid Keshvari

Amirkabir university of Technology,Biomedical engineering Department, P.O. Box ۱۵۸۷۵-۴۴۱۳, Tehran, Iran

Atefeh Solouk

Amirkabir university of Technology,Biomedical engineering Department, P.O. Box ۱۵۸۷۵-۴۴۱۳, Tehran, Iran


Chitosan (CS) and silver sulfdiazine (AGSD) were simultaneously immobilized onto the surface of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) using acrylic acid (AAc) as spacer. Two-step oxygen plasma treatment (TSPT) method was applied to graft AAc onto the surface of PDMS. In order to makeoptimum grafting density, different time of plasma pretreatment and copolymerization were considered. After AAc was grafted onto PDMS film, in the next step chitosan and silversulfadiazine were immobilized onto PAAc-g-PDMS through covalent bonding. The films were characterized by water contact angle (WCA), inductively couple plasma (ICP), attenuated total reflection Furrier transformer infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy. To evaluate the cell behavior incontact with the prepared wound dressing (WD) the mouse L-929 fibroblast cells were used. By immobilizing AAc and CS/AGSD the hydrophilicity of WD increase in comparison with PDMS. The presence of silver sulfadiazine drug which is known as an antibacterial agent in the WD wasconfirmed via ICP methods. The ATR-FTIR spectrum of the WD showed the two new characteristic bands of PAAc and CS. It was observed that CS/AGSD immobilized surfaces with the maximum amount of grafted AAc significantly showed better cell adhesion and proliferation incomparison with other samp;es. It seems that CS/AGSD immobilized surfaces with the maximum grafting density(GD) of PAAc may have an excellent potential to be used as a derm-like matrix.

کلیدواژه ها

Wound Dressing, Chitosan, Silver Sulfadiazine, Acrylic acid, Immbilization

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