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Greenhouse Gas Inventory Estimates from Agriculture Sector in ‎Jammu and Kashmir State of India

عنوان مقاله: Greenhouse Gas Inventory Estimates from Agriculture Sector in ‎Jammu and Kashmir State of India
شناسه ملی مقاله: JR_ECOPER-6-2_005
منتشر شده در در سال 1397
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

U.C. Sharma - ‎Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Centre for Natural Resources Management, India‎
V. Sharma - ‎Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Agricultural Sciences & Technology University, ‎Chatha, Punjab, India

خلاصه مقاله:
Aims: Greenhouse gas (GHG) emission estimates were made from agriculture sector in Jammu and Kashmir to assess the ۲۰۱۵ situation and future trends in emission which would help in formulating a policy for mitigation. Materials and Methods: The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) tier-II methodology (IPCC, ۱۹۹۷) has been adopted for estimating methane (CH۴) emissions from enteric fermentation in livestock and Tier-I methodology for other sectors of agriculture for GHG emission. Findings: Agriculture in J and K accounted for a total GHG emission of ۵.۴۱۱ Tg of carbon dioxide (CO۲)e in the year ۲۰۱۵. Source-wise, enteric fermentation was responsible for emittance of ۱۶۰.۲۳۳ Gg of CH۴ and ۱.۳۹۹ Gg of nitrous oxide (N۲O), manure management for ۸.۲۵ Gg of CH۴ and ۰.۲۷۶ Gg of N۲O, rice cultivation for ۲۸.۷۵ Gg of CH۴, cultivated soils for ۱.۹۸۸ Gg of N۲O, and residue burning for ۰.۴۰۵ Gg of CH۴, ۰.۰۲۹ Gg of N۲O, and ۱۱۸.۰۱ Gg of CO۲. Conclusion: Higher GHG emission from enteric fermentation was mainly due to higher population of livestock in the state. The most effective methods for reducing GHG emissions in the state would be to adjust the part of animal feed to decrease digestion time, using feed additives to reduce metabolic activity of rumen bacteria that produce CH۴, and increase nitrogen-use efficiency by applying nitrogenous fertilizer or manure to crops as per crop needs and time of need.

کلمات کلیدی:
Agriculture Sector, Greenhouse gases, Jammu and Kashmir, Inventory.‎

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