Preparation of functionalized graphene oxide and graphite as a highperformance additive in heavy metal adsorbent polymers

  • سال انتشار: 1403
  • محل انتشار: شانزدهمین سمینار بین المللی علوم و تکنولوژی پلیمر (ISPST ۲۰۲۴)
  • کد COI اختصاصی: ISPST16_598
  • زبان مقاله: انگلیسی
  • تعداد مشاهده: 74
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E. Zanganeh

Chemical Department, Esfahan University, Esfahan, Iran

A. Sabzevari

Chemical Department, Esfahan University, Esfahan, Iran۲Biomedical Engineering Department, Polymer Faculty, Meybod University, Meybod, Iran

A.R Talebi

Chemical Engineering Department, Polymer Faculty, Hamedan University of Technology, Hamedan, Iran


Chemical Department, Applied chemistry Faculty, Bu-Ali sina University, Hamedan, Iran


Polymer nanocomposites are being considered for water treatment applications due to their superiorproperties compared to traditional materials. Additive manufacturing has expanded the possibilitiesof design in this area. This study discusses the potential of graphene oxide and graphite andfunctionalized graphene oxide and graphite for the removal of heavy metal ions from wastewater. Wereport an efficient technique to produce functionalized graphene oxide and the research team usedthese particles as additives to remove Pb۲+ and Cd۲+ ions from water samples. The results showedthat the synthesized adsorbents are highly effective in removing heavy metal ions.

کلیدواژه ها

Additive manufacturing, Polymer adsorbent, adsorption, graphene oxide, graphite

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