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Application of Continuous Discharge Flow (CDF) as a New Method in The Sedimentation Unit for Removal of Raw Water Turbidity Service Unavailable

عنوان مقاله: Application of Continuous Discharge Flow (CDF) as a New Method in The Sedimentation Unit for Removal of Raw Water Turbidity Service Unavailable
شناسه ملی مقاله: JR_JETT-9-3_015
منتشر شده در در سال 1400
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

Ridwan Ridwan Ridwan - ۱ Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Andalas, Padang, Indonesia

خلاصه مقاله:
The research aims to determine the effect of continuous discharge flow (CDF) on the settling zone in the sedimentation unit as a new method for enhancing turbidity removal efficiency. The research using a laboratory-scale reactor with a capacity of ۲۴۰ liters/hour for ۶ hours. The reactor consists of a coagulation unit with a waterfall and detention time of ۵ seconds and uses alum as a coagulant. Perforated walls flocculation unit with a detention time of ۳۰ minutes, and a sedimentation unit of the CDF method with a detention time of ۱ hour. The research conducted ۴ variations of the CDF, which is ۰%, ۲%, ۴%, and ۶% with the initial turbidity of raw water in the Sungai Batang Kuranji Kota Padang being ۲۳.۶۱ NTU. Turbidity in sedimentation unit outlets ranged from ۴.۱۶ to ۵.۹۸ NTU with a maximum turbidity removal efficiency of ۶% CDF was ۸۲.۳۸%. Statistical analysis showed a very strong relationship between variations in CDF values ​​with turbidity removal efficiency, that is the correlation value of ۰.۹۸۸ and the significance value of ۰.۰۰ < ۰.۰۵. At ۶% CDF, the flow in the settling zone was laminar with NRe values ​< ۲,۰۰۰ and NFr > ۱۰-۵The research aims to determine the effect of continuous discharge flow (CDF) on the settling zone in the sedimentation unit as a new method for enhancing turbidity removal efficiency. The research using a laboratory-scale reactor with a capacity of ۲۴۰ liters/hour for ۶ hours. The reactor consists of a coagulation unit with a waterfall and detention time of ۵ seconds and uses alum as a coagulant. Perforated walls flocculation unit with a detention time of ۳۰ minutes, and a sedimentation unit of the CDF method with a detention time of ۱ hour. The research conducted ۴ variations of the CDF, which is ۰%, ۲%, ۴%, and ۶% with the initial turbidity of raw water in the Sungai Batang Kuranji Kota Padang being ۲۳.۶۱ NTU. Turbidity in sedimentation unit outlets ranged from ۴.۱۶ to ۵.۹۸ NTU with a maximum turbidity removal efficiency of ۶% CDF was ۸۲.۳۸%. Statistical analysis showed a very strong relationship between variations in CDF values ​​with turbidity removal efficiency, that is the correlation value of ۰.۹۸۸ and the significance value of ۰.۰۰ < ۰.۰۵. At ۶% CDF, the flow in the settling zone was laminar with NRe values ​< ۲,۰۰۰ and NFr > ۱۰-۵

کلمات کلیدی:
Sedimentation continuous discharge flow method, Froude's number (NFr), Reynolds number (NRe), Efficiency, Turbidity

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