Iron/ polyacrylic acid grafted on κ-carraginan superabsorbent nanocomposite for water conservation in agricultural soils

  • سال انتشار: 1391
  • محل انتشار: همایش ملی نانو فناوری و شیمی سبز
  • کد COI اختصاصی: IAUET01_040
  • زبان مقاله: انگلیسی
  • تعداد مشاهده: 1242
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Ghasem Rezanejade Bardajee

Department of Chemistry, Payame Noor University

Zari Hooshyar

Department of Chemistry, Payame Noor University

Fereshteh Rastgo

Department of Chemistry, Payame Noor University


Iron/ poly acrylic acid grafted on kappa-carraginan superabsorbent nanocomposite were used as a water retaining aid for irrigation were assessed. Cayenne pepper seeds were planted in pots that contained soil amended with the iron/ poly acrylic acid grafted on κ-carraginan superabsorbent nanocomposite (as well as soils control with no amendment). For the first two weeks the plants were given a healthy amount of water, then watering was reduced to observe how the plants responded to drought. The plants with no amendment to the soil stopped growing after the first two weeks and showed signs of dehydration. All the plants in the amended soil continued to grow after the first two weeks and they looked much healthier. Performance evaluation of the response to the four iron/ poly acrylic acid grafted on κ-carraginan superabsorbent nanocomposite types suggests that cayenne pepper based iron/ poly acrylic acid grafted on κ-carraginan superabsorbent nanocomposite performed the best with 26% yield.

کلیدواژه ها

Iron; Polyacrylic acid; Nanocomposite

مقالات مرتبط جدید

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