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Influence of Moisture Content of Mulberry Leaf on Growth and Silk Production in Bombyx mori L.

عنوان مقاله: Influence of Moisture Content of Mulberry Leaf on Growth and Silk Production in Bombyx mori L.
شناسه ملی مقاله: JR_CJES-4-1_009
منتشر شده در در سال 1385
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

V.K. Rahmathulla - Central Sericultural Research and Training Institute, Mysore, - ۵۷۰ ۰۰۸, Karnataka,
R. Tilak - Central Sericultural Research and Training Institute, Mysore, - ۵۷۰ ۰۰۸, Karnataka,
R. K Rajan - Central Sericultural Research and Training Institute, Mysore, - ۵۷۰ ۰۰۸, Karnataka,

خلاصه مقاله:
The influence of moisture content of mulberry leaf on the growth, development and moisture build up in the body of silkworm was studied by feeding with different maturity leaves to late age of silkworm larvae. Significantly higher larval moisture (۷۹.۷۸%), larval weight (۶۵.۶۵ g), pupal moisture (۷۳.۸۱%) was recorded in top tender leaf (high moisture) fed batches and least was recorded in the coarse leaf (lower moisture) fed batches. Significantly positive correlation between moisture content of leaf and larva to different variables like growth rate, larval weight, single cocoon weight, single shell weight and average filament length were recorded.   REFERENCES  Anonymous (۱۹۸۰) Text book of tropical sericulture, ۲nd edition Japan overseas cooperation Volunteers, Tokyo. pp. ۱۵۴- ۱۶۶. Barman, A. C. (۱۹۹۲) Manifestation of bacterial and viral diseases of silkworm (Bombyx mori L.), role of mulberry leaves, spacing and feeding frequencies in relation to atmospheric high temperature and humidity. Bull. Seric. Res, ۳, ۴۶- ۵۰. Basu, R.,. Roychoudhary, N., Shamsuddin, M., Sen, S. K. and Sinha, S. S. (۱۹۹۵) Effect of leaf quality on rearing and reproductive potentiality of Bombyx mori L. Indian silk, ۳۳, ۲۱- ۲۳. Beegum, B. (۱۹۹۲) Influence of leaf water content on dietary water and food utilization in the different races of silkworm Bombyx mori L. M. phil. Dissertation, Bangalore Univesity, ۱۰۴ p. Bongale, U., Chaluvachari, D. M. and Narahari Rao, B. V. (۱۹۹۱) Mulberry leaf quality evaluation and its importance. Indian silk, ۳, ۵۱- ۵۳. Delvi, M. Radha Krishna, R. and Noor Pasha, P. G. (۱۹۸۸) Effect of leaf ration on dietary water budget of the larvae of sikworm, Bombyx mori and Eri silkworm, Philosamia ricini. Proc. Indian Acad.Sci., (Anim.sci.) ۹۷, ۱۹۷- ۲۰۲. Diwedi, N. K. (۱۹۹۲) Silkworm nutrition and mulberry . Indian Silk, ۳۱, ۹- ۱۲. Kumar, C. S., Sekharappa, B. M and Sarangi, S. K. (۱۹۹۶) Influence of temperature and leaf quality on rearing performance of silkworm, Bombyx mori L. Ind. J. Seric. ۳۶, ۱۱۶-۱۲۰. Krishnaswami, S., Ahsan, M. M. and Sriharan. T. P. (۱۹۷۰) Studies on quality of mulberry leaves and silkworm cocoon crop production, Part ۲. Quality difference due to maturity. Ind. J. Seric. , ۹, ۱۱- ۱۷. Krishnaswami. S. (۱۹۷۸) New technology of silkworm rearing, Bulletin No.۲ Central Sericultural Research and Training Institute, Mysore, India, pp.۱- ۲۸. Paul, D. C., Subba Rao , G. and Deb, D. C (۱۹۹۲) Impact of dietary moisture on nutritional indices and growth of Bombyx mori and concomitant larval duration. J. Insect. Physiol., ۳۸, ۲۲۹- ۲۳۵. Pathak, J. P. N.and Ashish Vyes (۱۹۹۸) Correlation between water content of mulberry leaves and amount of urination in the spinning larvae of multivoltine race (PMxHS۶), Bombyx mori L. Ind. J. Seric. ۲۷, ۱۲۲- ۱۲۵. Rajan, R. K., Singh, G. B. , Himantharaj, M. T. , Nataraju, B. and Subbaiah M. B.(۲۰۰۱) Illustrated working process of new bivoltine rearing technology. JICA publication , CSR and TI, Mysore, pp ۱- ۹۲.  Rashid, M. A., Mahadeva murthy, T. S. Shiva Kumar, G. R. and Magadum , S. B (۱۹۹۳) Effect of preservation of bush and tree leaf on feeding efficiency and growth in silkworm, Bombyx mori L. Bull. Sericult. Res., ۴, ۴۶۲- ۶۴. Sudo sho, Y.and Okajima T. (۱۹۸۱) The relation between the leaf quality at different orders on silkworm growth and cocoon quality of silkworm J. Seric. Sci. Jpn., ۵۰, ۳۰۶- ۳۱۰. Vage, M. N. and Ashoka. J. (۱۹۹۹) Effect of tender shoots to fifth instar of PMxNB۴D۲ on cocoon and silk filament traits. Proceeding of National Seminar on Tropical Sericulture, Dec ۲۸-۳۰, Bangalore.  Veda, K., Nagai, L and Morikomi. M. (۱۹۹۷) Silkworm rearing. (Translated from Japanese). ۱۲۳-۱۳۷.

کلمات کلیدی:
Bombyx mori, Development, Growth, Larval weight, Larval moisture, Leaf moisture

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