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Modeling of karst and alluvial springs discharge in the central Alborz highlands and on the Caspian southern coasts

عنوان مقاله: Modeling of karst and alluvial springs discharge in the central Alborz highlands and on the Caspian southern coasts
شناسه ملی مقاله: JR_CJES-6-1_004
منتشر شده در در سال 1387
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

V. Gholami - Azad University, Sciences and Research Branch of Tehran, Iran
M. Azodi - Dept. of Watershed Management, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Mazandaran, Iran.
E. Taghvaye Salimi - Dept. of Forestry, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Guilan, P.O. Box ۱۱۴۴, Sowmehsara, Iran.

خلاصه مقاله:
Springs are the important water resources, which thier study is necessary in terms of their management and exploitation. In northern Iran, the karst springs locate in the central Alborz highlands and alluvial springs on the Caspian southern coasts.The Karst and alluvial springs discharge is variable because of different conditions in terms of aquifer, topography and precipitation .This study has been done to simulate the karst and alluvial springs discharge and to compare their hydrologic conditions. So, ۸۰ karst springs and ۸۲ alluvial springs were investigated in central Alborz and on the Caspian southern coasts. Two models were presented to simulate the karst and alluvial springs discharge using Multivariate Regression analysis (SPSS software).Then, their efficiency was considered. Finally, the models and the results of regression analyses were compared. The results showed that the most important factors of the karst springs discharge are aquifer formation (its porosity) and site elevation, but about the alluvial springs, the hydraulic conductivity of aquifer formation and aquifer depth are the most important factors.   REFERENCES  Alvis, A., Hargrave, R., Francisco, E., Fischer, D. (۲۰۰۵) Aquifer vulnerability of the Inyan Kava Group. Blakhawk QuaDRANGLE, SOUTH Dakota, Western South Dakota Hydrology Conference. Auckenthaler, A., Reichert, P., Huggenberger, P. (۲۰۰۵) Modeling discharge and microorganism transport in a karst aquifer. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. ۷, ۰۱۶۰۳.  Brouye`re, S., Carabin, G., Dassargues, A., (۲۰۰۴) Climate change impacts on groundwater reserves: modelled deficits in a chalky aquifer. Geer Basin, Belgium. Hydrogeology Journal. ۱۲ (۲), ۱۲۳– ۱۳۴. Dimitrov, D., Machkova, M., Damyanov, G. (۱۹۹۷) On the karst spring discharge forecasting by means of stochastic modeling. Karst Waters & Envronmental Impacts (Proceedings of Int. Symp. Antalya, Turkey, ۱۹۹۵, Günay, G. et. Johnson, A.I. (eds.), Balkema, Roterdam, pp. ۳۵۳-۳۵۹. Han, X.R., Lu, R.A., Li, Q.S. (۱۹۹۳) Karst Water System: A Study on Big Karst Spring in Shanxi. Geological Publishing House, Beijing (in Chinese with English abstract). IWRRO (۲۰۰۶) Data and studies of Mzandaran Springs. Water Resources Researches Organization of Iran (TAMAB), Tehran, Iran.  IWRRO (۲۰۰۶) Data and studies of karstic and costal aquifers in Meandering.  Water Resources Researches Organization of Iran (TAMAB) Tehran, Iran. Ma, T., Wang, Y., Guo, Q. (۲۰۰۴) Response of carbonate quifer to climate change in northern China: a case study at the Shentou springs. Journal of Hydrology. ۲۹۷, ۲۷۴–۲۸۴. Prohaska, S., Stevanovic, Z. (۱۹۹۳) The development of the autocross-regression model for karst spring flow simulation. Theor. Appl. Karst., ۶, pp. ۱۵۱-۱۵۵. Rimmer, A. (۲۰۰۶) Modeling recession curve of karstic springs- parallel or serial reservoirs? Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. ۸, ۰۱۷۶۱. William, B.W. (۲۰۰۳) Conceptual models for karstic aquifers. Re-published by permission from: Palmer, A.N., Palmer, M.V., and Sasowsky, I.D. (eds.), Karst Modeling: Special Publication ۵, The Karst Waters Institute, Charles Town, West Virginia (USA), ۱۱-۱۶. Worthington, S. R. (۱۹۹۱) Karst hydrogeology of the Canadian Rocky Mountains. Ph.D. thesis, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario,  ۲۲۷ p. Yonghong, H., Chyi, T. (۲۰۰۶) A gray system model for studying the response to climatic change: The Liulin karst spring, China. Journal of Hydrology. ۳۲۸, ۶۶۸-۶۷۶.  Zhang, Y.K., Bai, E.W., Libra, R., Rowden, R., Huaibai, L. (۱۹۹۶) Simulation of spring discharge from a limestone aquifer in Iowa. USA, Hydrogeology Journal,  ۴: ۴۱-۵۴.

کلمات کلیدی:
Discharge, Karst and alluvial springs, Central Alborz, Caspian coasts

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