Effect of dietary estradiol-۱۷? on growth performance, body composition and blood indices in Stellate sturgeon, Acipenser stellatus

  • سال انتشار: 1393
  • محل انتشار: مجله علوم زیستی خاورمیانه، دوره: 12، شماره: 2
  • کد COI اختصاصی: JR_CJES-12-2_002
  • زبان مقاله: انگلیسی
  • تعداد مشاهده: 31
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H. Khara

?, M. Sattari ?, Sh. Nezami ?, S. F. Mirhasheminasab۳, S. A. Mousavi۳, and M. Ahmadnezhad۳

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This study was investigated the effects of dietary estradiol-۱۷? (E۲) on growth, body composition and blood indices in Acipenser stellatus. Fish (۴۰.۹ ? ۱.۱ g average initial weight; n = ۶۰ per group) were fed with three different diets containing ۰ (control), ۲۵ and ۵۰ mg kg-۱ dietary estradiol contents to apparent satiation for seven months. The results suggested that growth rate were decreased as the E۲ level was increased. No significant difference was observed in condition factor among dietary treatments. The highest survival rate was observed in fish fed control diet, but was not significantly different among the treatments (P> ۰.۰۵). Body composition did not show significant changes among dietary treatments. Number of white blood cells and red blood cells, hemoglobin and hematocrit values were significantly decreased as the E۲ levels were raised (P

کلیدواژه ها

Estradiol, Blood indices, Body Composition, Growth, Stellate sturgeon, Acipenser stellatus

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