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Efficient Synthesis of Benzimidazole Incorporated by PFPAT Catalyst at Room Temperature

عنوان مقاله: Efficient Synthesis of Benzimidazole Incorporated by PFPAT Catalyst at Room Temperature
شناسه ملی مقاله: JR_JAOC-4-2_006
منتشر شده در در سال 1403
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

Sunil Baburao Jagtap - Department of Chemistry, Shivaji Mahavidyala Udgir-۴۱۳۵۱۷, Dist: Latur, Affiliated to S. R. T. M. University, Nanded, India
Abhijeet Sanjayrao Patki - Department of Chemistry, Shivaji Mahavidyala Renapur-۴۱۳۵۲۷, Dist: Latur, Affiliated to S. R. T. M. University, Nanded, India
Dyanoba Baburao Muley - Department of Chemistry, Shivaji Mahavidyala Udgir-۴۱۳۵۱۷, Dist: Latur, Affiliated to S. R. T. M. University, Nanded, India

خلاصه مقاله:
In the present protocol, we have developed a new and competent route for the development of benzimidazole staring with the aromatic diamine with differently substituted benzaldehyde in presence of catalyst Pentafluorophenylammonium triflate (PFPAT) at room temperature. The synthesized compound was further purified by recrystallisation with hot ethyl alcohol. The protocol works effectively for the benzimidazole synthesis and produces good yield. The incorporated method is environmental friendly, requires very less energy and catalyst can be good at activity even after ۲-cycle run. The synthesized compounds were characterized by several analytical tools. The key advantages of this method are simple process, trouble-free work up procedure, and easy isolation of catalyst at the end of the reaction.

کلمات کلیدی:
Benzimidazole, PFPAT, Room temperature, O-Phenyl diamine, Benzaldehyde

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