Analysis and follow up on ۲۸ cases of henoch- schonlein purpura at Gheam children's hospital in the city of Hamedan

  • سال انتشار: 1374
  • محل انتشار: مجله دانشگاه علوم پزشکی کرمان، دوره: 2، شماره: 1
  • کد COI اختصاصی: JR_JKMU-2-1_008
  • زبان مقاله: فارسی
  • تعداد مشاهده: 45
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M.R Derakhshan

Assistant professor

R Mohamadi zad


To determine clinical presentation and outcomes of henoch schonlein purpura, ۲۸ cases of the disease who were admitted in our hospital during a period of ۷.۵ years, were studied through review of their hospital records. Their mean age was ۷.۵ years, and matel female ratio was ۱.۵. the characteristic skin rash of syndrome was present in all of the cases. The prevalence of the other main manifestations were as follows: Arthritis: ۷۵℅ Gastrointestinal abnormalities; ۷۵℅ kidney involvements: ۴۲℅ convulsion in ۲ cases and intramuscular hemorrhage in one case were notable findings. The kidney involvements was of modest severity in one case, moderate in another one, and mild in the other cases. In order to determine, the latent involvement of the kidney ۲۵ of the subjects were reexamined twice, ۲۵ months and ۳۳ months following the discharge of the patients. Clinical and laboratory evaluations to detect renal disfunction were carried out, however no abnormal findings were detected. The prevalence of the manifestations of the syndrome in our patients do not differ much from the other cases reported. Investigations on larger sample size longer periods of follow up are recommended.

کلیدواژه ها

Purpura, vasculitis, henoch-schonlein purpura, renal complications, Chronic renal failure

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