Participatory demonstration and evaluation of improved chickpea technologies in the mid altitude areas of Bale zone, Oromia National Regional State, Ethiopia

  • سال انتشار: 1397
  • محل انتشار: مجله علمی علوم زراعی، دوره: 7، شماره: 9
  • کد COI اختصاصی: JR_SJCS-7-9_001
  • زبان مقاله: انگلیسی
  • تعداد مشاهده: 87
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Amare Biftu

Oromia Agricultural Research Institute (OARI), Sinana Agricultural Research Center (SARC), P.O. Box-۲۰۸, BaleRobe, Ethiopia

Ayalew Sida

Oromia Agricultural Research Institute (OARI), Sinana Agricultural Research Center (SARC), P.O. Box-۲۰۸, BaleRobe, Ethiopia

Bayata Gaddisa

Oromia Agricultural Research Institute (OARI), Sinana Agricultural Research Center (SARC), P.O. Box-۲۰۸, BaleRobe, Ethiopia


This activity was conducted during ۲۰۱۷ cropping season in mid altitude areas of Bale zone, with the objectives of demonstrating and evaluating the recently released chickpea varieties (both Kabuli and Desi type) with full recommended production and management packages to the farming community, to create awareness as well as demand on improved chickpea technologies and to enable farmers to select the best performing variety/ies in Goro and Ginnir districts. Dhera, Hora and Habru (Kabuli type) and Dimtu, Teketay and Natoli (Desi type) chickpea varieties were planted at two kebeles of each district. The demonstration was undertaken on single plot design of ۱۰m x ۱۰m area for each variety with the spacing of ۳۰cm between rows, the recommended seed rate (۱۲۰kg/ha for Kabuli type and ۸۰kg/ha for Desi type) and ۱۲۱ kg/ha NPS fertilizer rate. Mini-field day was organized at each kebele/site on which different stakeholders were participated, participatory evaluation of the varieties was made and experiences were shared among participants. Yield data per plot was recorded and analysed using descriptive statistics. Farmers’ preferences for the improved chickpea varieties were identified using focused group discussion and summarized using pair wise and simple ranking methods. For Kabuli type, the mean yield of Habru variety (standard check) was ۲۵.۵qt/ha and ۲۶.۱qt/ha at Goro and Ginnir districts, respectively. It was more yielder than the recently released varieties, Dhera and Hora. The one way ANOVA with no blocking result showed that branches per plant, pods per plant and mean yield were significant among the kabuli type varieties. For Desi type, the mean yield of Dimtu variety was ۲۴.۷qt/ha and ۲۵.۸qt/ha and had ۱۵.۴۲% and ۱۹.۴۴% yield advantage over the check (Natoli) at Goro and Ginnir districts, respectively. Participant farmers were enhanced to set their own selection criteria and the most important were branches per plant, branches with full of pods, pods per plant, seed per plant, seed size, seed colour, well adapted to the environment, disease free and has uniformity. Thus, Habru variety (Kabuli type) and Dimtu variety (Desi type) were validated with farmers and recommended for further scaling up/out activity in all demonstration sites and similar agro-ecologies.This activity was conducted during ۲۰۱۷ cropping season in mid altitude areas of Bale zone, with the objectives of demonstrating and evaluating the recently released chickpea varieties (both Kabuli and Desi type) with full recommended production and management packages to the farming community, to create awareness as well as demand on improved chickpea technologies and to enable farmers to select the best performing variety/ies in Goro and Ginnir districts. Dhera, Hora and Habru (Kabuli type) and Dimtu, Teketay and Natoli (Desi type) chickpea varieties were planted at two kebeles of each district. The demonstration was undertaken on single plot design of ۱۰m x ۱۰m area for each variety with the spacing of ۳۰cm between rows, the recommended seed rate (۱۲۰kg/ha for Kabuli type and ۸۰kg/ha for Desi type) and ۱۲۱ kg/ha NPS fertilizer rate. Mini-field day was organized at each kebele/site on which different stakeholders were participated, participatory evaluation of the varieties was made and experiences were shared among participants. Yield data per plot was recorded and analysed using descriptive statistics. Farmers’ preferences for the improved chickpea varieties were identified using focused group discussion and summarized using pair wise and simple ranking methods. For Kabuli type, the mean yield of Habru variety (standard check) was ۲۵.۵qt/ha and ۲۶.۱qt/ha at Goro and Ginnir districts, respectively. It was more yielder than the recently released varieties, Dhera and Hora. The one way ANOVA with no blocking result showed that branches per plant, pods per plant and mean yield were significant among the kabuli type varieties. For Desi type, the mean yield of Dimtu variety was ۲۴.۷qt/ha and ۲۵.۸qt/ha and had ۱۵.۴۲% and ۱۹.۴۴% yield advantage over the check (Natoli) at Goro and Ginnir districts, respectively. Participant farmers were enhanced to set their own selection criteria and the most important were branches per plant, branches with full of pods, pods per plant, seed per plant, seed size, seed colour, well adapted to the environment, disease free and has uniformity. Thus, Habru variety (Kabuli type) and Dimtu variety (Desi type) were validated with farmers and recommended for further scaling up/out activity in all demonstration sites and similar agro-ecologies.

کلیدواژه ها

Demonstration, Chickpea, Farmers’ preference, Selection criteria, Kabuli type, Habru, Desi type, Dimtu

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