Pre-extension demonstration of improved bread wheat technologies in Ginnir district of Bale zone, Southeastern Oromia, Ethiopia

  • سال انتشار: 1396
  • محل انتشار: مجله علمی علوم زراعی، دوره: 6، شماره: 9
  • کد COI اختصاصی: JR_SJCS-6-9_001
  • زبان مقاله: انگلیسی
  • تعداد مشاهده: 68
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Amare Biftu

Oromia Agricultural Research Institute (OARI), Sinana Agricultural Research Center PO Box-۲۰۸, Bale-Robe, Ethiopia

Bekele Diriba

Oromia Agricultural Research Institute (OARI), Sinana Agricultural Research Center PO Box-۲۰۸, Bale-Robe, Ethiopia

Ayalew Sida

Oromia Agricultural Research Institute (OARI), Sinana Agricultural Research Center PO Box-۲۰۸, Bale-Robe, Ethiopia


Participatory on-farm demonstration of bread wheat varieties were carried out with the objectives of evaluating and selecting the best performed improved bread wheat technologies under farmers’ condition and to build farmers’ knowledge and skill of wheat production and management packages in Ginnir district of Bale Zone. A total of ten (۱۰) participant farmers were selected from two wheat growing potential kebeles of Ginnir district to carry out the demonstration activity. One FRG/FREG having ۲۰ member farmers was established at each kebele. Two improved bread wheat varieties (Bika and Ogolcho) were compared (demonstrated) with one standard check (Dhakaba) on plot size of ۳۲mx۳۲m (۱۰۲۴m۲) by using each farmer’s field as replication. All recommended agronomic practices were equally applied to all the plots and the fields were closely supervised and managed well. Participatory training was given for a total of ۱۷۶ participants on important agronomic practices and disease control measures. At maturity stage of the crop, the varieties were jointly evaluated with a team composed of researchers, farmers, development agents and experts. Tillering capacity, disease tolerance, spike length, seeds per spike, plant height, seed color and size, early maturing, adaptability to their locality, uniformity, crop stand and overall yield were the selection criteria identified by the participants for selecting the best performing variety/ies. Agronomic data and yield data were collected and analyzed using descriptive statistics in order to evaluate the performance of the varieties. With regard to yield, ۵۴.۵ qt ha-۱, ۴۷.۵ qt ha-۱ and ۴۰ qt ha-۱ were obtained from Ogolcho, Bika and Dhakaba, respectively. Besides; Ogolcho has ۳۶.۲۵% and ۱۴.۷۴% yield advantage over Bika and Dhakaba, respectively. Whereas, Bika has ۱۸.۷۵% yield advantage over Dhakaba. Thus, Ogolcho ranked first followed by Bika and both varieties were recommended to scale up/out in Ginnir district and other similar agro-ecologies of Bale zonne.Participatory on-farm demonstration of bread wheat varieties were carried out with the objectives of evaluating and selecting the best performed improved bread wheat technologies under farmers’ condition and to build farmers’ knowledge and skill of wheat production and management packages in Ginnir district of Bale Zone. A total of ten (۱۰) participant farmers were selected from two wheat growing potential kebeles of Ginnir district to carry out the demonstration activity. One FRG/FREG having ۲۰ member farmers was established at each kebele. Two improved bread wheat varieties (Bika and Ogolcho) were compared (demonstrated) with one standard check (Dhakaba) on plot size of ۳۲mx۳۲m (۱۰۲۴m۲) by using each farmer’s field as replication. All recommended agronomic practices were equally applied to all the plots and the fields were closely supervised and managed well. Participatory training was given for a total of ۱۷۶ participants on important agronomic practices and disease control measures. At maturity stage of the crop, the varieties were jointly evaluated with a team composed of researchers, farmers, development agents and experts. Tillering capacity, disease tolerance, spike length, seeds per spike, plant height, seed color and size, early maturing, adaptability to their locality, uniformity, crop stand and overall yield were the selection criteria identified by the participants for selecting the best performing variety/ies. Agronomic data and yield data were collected and analyzed using descriptive statistics in order to evaluate the performance of the varieties. With regard to yield, ۵۴.۵ qt ha-۱, ۴۷.۵ qt ha-۱ and ۴۰ qt ha-۱ were obtained from Ogolcho, Bika and Dhakaba, respectively. Besides; Ogolcho has ۳۶.۲۵% and ۱۴.۷۴% yield advantage over Bika and Dhakaba, respectively. Whereas, Bika has ۱۸.۷۵% yield advantage over Dhakaba. Thus, Ogolcho ranked first followed by Bika and both varieties were recommended to scale up/out in Ginnir district and other similar agro-ecologies of Bale zonne.

کلیدواژه ها

Bread wheat, Technology, Farmers’ preferences, FRG/FREG approach, Ogolcho, Bika, Dhakaba

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