Cytotoxic activities of Euphorbia kopetdaghi against OVCAR-۳ and EJ-۱۳۸ cell lines

  • سال انتشار: 1394
  • محل انتشار: Journal of Herbmed Pharmacology، دوره: 4، شماره: 2
  • کد COI اختصاصی: JR_HERM-4-2_003
  • زبان مقاله: انگلیسی
  • تعداد مشاهده: 56
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Mahmoud Aghaei

Mustafa Ghanadian

Farough Faez

Ebrahim Esfandiary


Introduction: Over the centuries, the genus Euphorbia was known to be toxic to humans and animals. Recently, in a primary study significant suppressive activity against phytohemagglutinin activated T-cell proliferation has been reported from this plant. Therefore, this study was designed to evaluate the cytotoxic effects of different parts of E. kopetdaghi against cancer cell lines. Methods: Filtration and in vacuo concentration resulted in a green gum which was subjected on silica gel CC (hexane/Acetone, ۰ →۵۰) to several fractions: F۱-F۸. The inhibitory effects of obtained fractions with ۵, ۵۰, and ۵۰۰ μg/ml concentrations were evaluated on proliferation and viability of cancer cells (OVCAR and EJ-۱۳۸) in ۴۸ hours treatment. Finally, cell viability was determined at a wavelength of ۵۷۰ by ۳-۴,۵-dimethylthiazol-۲-yl)-۲,۵-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) method. Results: Based on studies of microscopic observation and viability testing, F۱, F۲, F۴, F۵, F۶, and F۷ showed significant cytotoxic effect at concentration of ۵۰ and ۵۰۰ μg/ml against EJ-۱۳۸ and OVCAR-۳ cell lines. These fractions inhibited growth of EJ-۱۳۸ and OVCAR-۳ cells in a concentration-dependent manner. Fraction of F۸ induced tumor promotion significantly in EJ-۱۳۸ and OVCAR-۳ cells, respectively. Conclusion: Due to the inhibitory properties of E. kopetdaghi extract and its fractions on cancer cells of OVCAR۳ and EJ-۱۳, isolation, purification and identification of compounds presented in the fractions possessing cytotoxic effects are recommended which were the area of our future research.

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