The Correlation between Junk Food Consumption and Health-Related Physical Fitness Factors in ۱۰ - ۱۲ Years Students of Kamyaran, Iran

  • سال انتشار: 1402
  • محل انتشار: مجله گزارشات و فناوری سلامت، دوره: 9، شماره: 1
  • کد COI اختصاصی: JR_IJHLS-9-1_003
  • زبان مقاله: انگلیسی
  • تعداد مشاهده: 86
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Aiuob Kamangar

Department of Exercise Physiology, Faculty of Sport Sciences, University of Razi, Kermanshah, Iran

Mohammad Azizi

Department of Exercise Physiology, Faculty of Sport Sciences, University of Razi, Kermanshah, Iran

Mehnossh Samadi

Department of Nutritional Sciences, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Kermanshah, Iran


Background: The consumption of junk food among children and adults is increasing, which can affect their general health. Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the correlation between junk food consumption and health-related physical fitness factors in Kamyaran students. Methods: Based on Morgan’s tablet, a total of ۳۰۹ subjects volunteered to participate in this study, out of ۱۵۱۴ students aged ۱۰ - ۱۲ years in Kamyaran city. The studied schools were selected by the multi-stage cluster method. The mean and standard deviation of the subjects’ age, height, and weight were ۱۱.۲۶ ± ۰.۶۸ years, ۱۴۴.۲۷ ± ۴.۷۵ cm, and ۳۹.۳۶ ± ۸.۰۱ kg, respectively. This study assessed height, weight, and body mass index based on the cut-off BMI National Health and Nutrition Survey. The physical fitness factors of students were measured according to standard tests. The researcher developed a questionnaire to assess the consumption of junk food. Cronbach’s alpha of this questionnaire was ۰.۷۸. Descriptive statistics were used to calculate the mean and standard deviation of the data. Spearman correlation was used to examine the correlation of variables. Results: There was a significant inverse correlation between junk food consumption and health-related physical fitness factors (P < ۰.۰۵), but there was a direct and significant correlation between junk food consumption and body mass index (P < ۰.۰۵). There was a significant correlation between junk food consumption, nutritional knowledge, and behavior in the subjects (P < ۰.۰۵). However, there was no significant correlation between junk food consumption and healthy attitude in the subjects (P < ۰.۰۵). Conclusions: According to our results, parents and policymakers should pay more attention to health and physical activity in schools and society.

کلیدواژه ها

Student, Physical Fitness, Obesity, Junk Food, Adolescents, Nutrition

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