Strategic Potential of the Vermicompost Agribusiness in Iran: A SWOT Analysis

  • سال انتشار: 1394
  • محل انتشار: مجله علوم و فناوری کشاورزی، دوره: 17، شماره: 6
  • کد COI اختصاصی: JR_JASTMO-17-6_002
  • زبان مقاله: انگلیسی
  • تعداد مشاهده: 60
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K. Zarafshani

Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, Razi University, Kermanshah, Islamic Republic of Iran.

M. Sahraee

Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, Razi University, Kermanshah, Islamic Republic of Iran.

M. Helms

School of Business, Dalton State College, Dalton, GA, U. S. A.


Vermicomposting, or using worms along with bacteria and fungi to recycle agricultural and organic wastes into nutrient-rich bio-fertilizer, has a variety of uses including protecting plants from disease. Through semi-structured in-person interviews, vermicompost practitioners across Kermanshah Province of Iran were surveyed to determine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) of this emerging technology. The results provide useful implications for agricultural policymakers in general, and, in particular, for farmers who are seeking diversified sources of income. For both vermicompost practitioners and academicians alike, the SWOT analysis methodology combined with Analytic Network Process (ANP) analysis has implications for other types of agribusiness.

کلیدواژه ها

SWOT Analysis, ANP analysis, Income diversification, Vermicompost agribusiness

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