Utilization of black soldier flies to reduce grease waste and support zero waste

سال انتشار: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 198

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 3 آبان 1402

چکیده مقاله:

Purpose: This study analyzed the ability of Black Soldier Flies Larvae (BSFL) in reducing grease waste and the effect of variation in feed composition on the growth rate effect of larvae age at ۸ days, ۱۲ days, and ۱۶ days.Method: Before reaching the specified age (۸, ۱۲, or ۱۶ days), the larvae are fed a mixture of expired bread and expired milk. BSFL at ages ۸ days, ۱۲ days, and ۱۶ days are fed by pure grease waste or the mixing of grease waste and expired milk until turned into ۲۰-day-old larvae. Then waste reduction is analyzed based on parameters such as feed consumption, waste reduction index, the efficiency of conversion of digested feed, and larvae biomass. Univariate analysis using SPSS was conducted to determine the significance of differences in waste reduction, feed consumption, conversion efficiency of digested feed, and larvae biomass among the experimental groups.Results: The ۱۶-day-old larvae fed with pure grease waste achieved a waste reduction index of ۲۰.۰۸ grams per day. Moreover, variations in feed composition influenced the growth rate of BSFL, with larvae fed a mixture of grease waste and expired milk exhibiting the largest weight (۴۳ mg) and length (۱.۴ cm) among the ۱۶-day-old larvae.Conclusion: Black Soldier Fly Larvae at ۱۶ days old displayed remarkable effectiveness in reducing grease waste from restaurants. This study underscores the potential of BSFL as a sustainable waste management and recycling solution for organic waste, particularly in the context of food waste.


Deffi Ayu Puspito Sari

Department of Environmental Engineering, Universitas Bakrie, Jakarta ۱۲۹۴۰, Indonesia

Amelia Mumtaz

Department of Environmental Engineering, Universitas Bakrie, Jakarta ۱۲۹۴۰, Indonesia

Diki Irawan

Department of Environmental Engineering, Universitas Bakrie, Jakarta ۱۲۹۴۰, Indonesia

Prismita Nursetyowati

Department of Environmental Engineering, Universitas Bakrie, Jakarta ۱۲۹۴۰, Indonesia

Aurino Djamaris

Department of Management, Universitas Bakrie, Jakarta ۱۲۹۴۰, Indonesia