The phylogeny of the Eremias velox complex of the Iranian Plateau and Central Asia (Reptilia, Lacertidae): Molecular evidence from ISSR-PCR fingerprints

سال انتشار: 1388
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 105

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 4 مهر 1402

چکیده مقاله:

The rapid fringe-toed lizard, Eremias velox, is widely distributed in the Iranian plateau andCentral Asia. Several local morphotypes have so far been reported from different parts ofits range, representing this taxon as a species complex. In an attempt to revealphylogenetic relationships among various populations of this complex group, ۳۷specimens from ۱۳ geographically distant localities in Iran and central Asia, coveringmost parts of its range, were sampled. Using Inter Simple Sequence Repeat amplification(ISSR-PCR) as a molecular marker, whole the nuclear genome of all specimens wasscreened. Phylogenetic analysis of the prepared data set successfully recovered sevenmajor clades within the E. velox complex. Relationships among the major clades werehighly resolved with remarkable statistical supports and well correspond to thegeographic distribution of the populations. The reconstructed phylogeny implies that theclade as a whole has been originated in the Iranian plateau and expanded into central Asiabefore uplifting the Kopet-Dagh Mountains. It has then undergone a rapid cladogenesisin the latter area and produced several morphotypes. Within the Iranian clades two maingroups could be defined, the foothill and highland dwellers and the open plane and desertdweller populations. The phylogenetic tree together with the estimated amounts ofgenetic distances among the independent lineages, provide good grounds for afundamental revision of the taxonomic status of the Eremias velox complex.