The Role of General Causality Orientations on Self-care Behaviors in Patients with Type ۲ Diabetes

  • سال انتشار: 1390
  • محل انتشار: مجله بین المللی علوم رفتاری، دوره: 5، شماره: 3
  • کد COI اختصاصی: JR_BEHAVS-5-3_008
  • زبان مقاله: انگلیسی
  • تعداد مشاهده: 58
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Manizheh Hatamloo-Sadabadi


Introduction: Diabetes is one of the most common chronic diseases with an increasing incidence and prevalence in Iran and worldwide. Attitudinal and psychological factors play a major role in self-care and in the control of diabetes. The aim of this study was to assess the role of a health locus of control on self-care behaviors in patients with type ۲ diabetes.Method: In this descriptive correlational research, sixty patients from the Tabriz Center of Sina Hospital were selected by sampling at hand. Data were collected through two questionnaires including General Causality Orientations and Self-Care Behavior. Analysis of the data involved Pearson's correlation coefficients, regression analysis, and t-tests.Results: Self-care behaviors were significantly positively associated with autonomy orientation but were significantly negatively associated with impersonal orientation. But no significant association was found with controlled orientation. The results also revealed that autonomy orientation had additional roles predicting self-care behavior. In addition, the results showed that males and females did not differ significantly in self-care behaviors or causality orientations.Conclusions: Based on our findings, it is necessary to provide instructions to the diabetes centers with more emphasis on making changes in behavior, healing patient’s attitudes, and supporting autonomy. Keywords:

کلیدواژه ها

Causality Orientations, Self Care Behaviors, Diabetic Patients

اطلاعات بیشتر در مورد COI

COI مخفف عبارت CIVILICA Object Identifier به معنی شناسه سیویلیکا برای اسناد است. COI کدی است که مطابق محل انتشار، به مقالات کنفرانسها و ژورنالهای داخل کشور به هنگام نمایه سازی بر روی پایگاه استنادی سیویلیکا اختصاص می یابد.

کد COI به مفهوم کد ملی اسناد نمایه شده در سیویلیکا است و کدی یکتا و ثابت است و به همین دلیل همواره قابلیت استناد و پیگیری دارد.