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Analyze of Occupational Health and Safety Risk Factors and Human Resource Quality on the Implementation of Building Construction using Fault Tree Analysis

عنوان مقاله: Analyze of Occupational Health and Safety Risk Factors and Human Resource Quality on the Implementation of Building Construction using Fault Tree Analysis
شناسه ملی مقاله: JR_ARCE-5-1_002
منتشر شده در در سال 1402
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

Hajar Cahyani - Civil Engineering Department, Mercu Buana University Jakarta, Indonesia
Humiras Hardi Purba - Industrial Engineering Department, Mercu Buana University Jakarta, Indonesia
Budi Susetyo - Civil Engineering Department, Mercu Buana University Jakarta, Indonesia

خلاصه مقاله:
Workplace accidents are a significant concern in construction projects, and their root causes must be identified and addressed to prevent future occurrences. One technique that can aid in this endeavor is Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), which can link several event sequences that result in other events. The research objectives of this study are to identify OHS risk factors and the quality of human resources in the construction of high-rise buildings in the Integrated Sports Psychology Building Project at the State University of Surabaya, evaluate the dominant OHS risk factors and human resources using the FTA method, and determine appropriate mitigation actions. The study was descriptive and analytical, and the results indicated that risk factors could be classified into five categories: Very Small, Small, Moderate, Large, and Very Large. The identified risks include non-compliance with safety procedures, lack of OHS training or certification for workers, unsafe working conditions, use of unsafe equipment, worker negligence, and inadequate personal protection or safety equipment. To reduce these risks, strict OHS standards and regulatory compliance, the use of safe equipment and technology, and careful worker selection and training are recommended. Routine inspection and evaluation, appropriate job placement, and competency development should also be implemented. Regular maintenance and inspection of concrete molds, compliance with construction regulations, and training on new technology are also needed to ensure project safety and success. In conclusion, the FTA method is an effective tool for identifying the root causes of workplace accidents and providing recommendations for their mitigation. The study provides insights into OHS risk factors and the quality of human resources in the construction of high-rise buildings, and its findings can be used to improve safety standards and practices in the construction industry.

کلمات کلیدی:
Workplace Accidents, Building Projects, FTA, OHS, Quality of Human Resources

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