Evaluating of Carbon Footprint in Life Cycle of Waste Management Systems, Tehran-Iran

سال انتشار: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 173

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 8 مرداد 1402

چکیده مقاله:

The aim of this thesis is to study the carbon footprint of storage bag/bins and fuel consumption of household wastes system. A computer program IBM SPSS free version ۱۹ is used for the statistical analysis of data. To compare the scores on environmental impacts nine scenarios were in one-way between-groups analysis of variance used an ANOVA Test. In the impact assessment, environmental impacts of the scenarios are calculated in nine scenarios. This thesis also involves the collection of new secondary inventory data of the material and energy data for the types of instruments of the management system of recyclable materials. The input-output matrix correlation between consumption and output data was performed in the life cycle. Research question focused on this matter that there is a relationship between the amounts of source consumption and environmental emissions? According to the unite process results appears that life-cycle is highly sensitive to the petrol and diesel energy, and less sensitive to the LPG. According to the consumption results appears that life-cycle is highly sensitive to the petrol and diesel energy, and less sensitive to the LPG. The null hypothesis indicates that there is a difference between environmental aspects in the kinds of steps of the life cycle. Cases identified as the aspect codes to the consumption. According to the consumption results appears that life-cycle is highly sensitive to the petrol and diesel energy.


Helen Morabi heravi

PhD student, department of environmental, Faculty of environmental management, Malaysia, University of UPM, e-mail: helen.morabi@yahoo.com institution

Mohd Bakri ishak

Associate professors, Department of environmental, Faculty of environmental management, Malaysia, University of UPM

Ahmad Makmom bin abdullah

Associate professors, Department of environmental, Faculty of environmental management, Malaysia, University of UPM

Mohammad Firuz ramli

Associate professors, Department of environmental, Faculty of environmental management, Malaysia, University of UPM