Efficient Removal of Fluoride Using Sol-Gel Processed Nano Magnesium Oxide

  • سال انتشار: 1402
  • محل انتشار: نشریه متدهای شیمیایی، دوره: 7، شماره: 7
  • کد COI اختصاصی: JR_CHM-7-7_005
  • زبان مقاله: انگلیسی
  • تعداد مشاهده: 114
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Lakshmi Jayanthi Juturi

Department of Chemical Engineering, R.V.R&J.C College of Engineering, Chowdavaram, Guntur, India

Rohinikumar Palavalasa

Department of Chemical Engineering, R.V.R&J.C College of Engineering, Chowdavaram, Guntur, India

Sneha H. Dhoria

Department of Mechanical Engineering, R.V.R&J.C College of Engineering, Chowdavaram, Guntur, India

Subbarao Jampani

Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chowdavaram, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India

Vijay Miditana

Department of Chemical Engineering, Centurion University of Technology and Management, Odisha, India

Gouthami Jalem

Department of Chemical Engineering, Government Polytechnic for Minorities, Guntur, India


Urbanization and increased industrialization are both contributing to a very high level of stress on our water environment, which is reducing the supply of clean water. Water pollution affects the ecosystem and is a major concern for humans, flora, fauna, and the environment. Fluoride is a pollutant that is persistent and not biodegradable; it builds up in the soil, plants, animals, and people. Therefore, understanding its removal and using the best method with the greatest efficiency is required. Likewise, adsorption is an affordable and easy technique that could be adopted at the household level. The Sol-Gel process was used for the nano-MgO synthesis, which has a cost-effective recovery of the material. SEM, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction analysis were done to characterize the synthesized nanomaterial. The produced nano magnesium oxide (nano-MgO) was evaluated for the defluoridation process. The results indicated that the occurrence of ions like bicarbonate and phosphate highly favors the adsorption of nano-MgO. Fluoride elimination using nano-MgO was achieved in this study by doing experiments in batches and considering three-time intervals. The optimal time for the utmost removal of fluoride was found to be ۱۵ minutes, during which the concentration decreased from ۸ ppm to ۳.۱ ppm.

کلیدواژه ها

Groundwater, Defluoridation, Nano MgO, Adsorption, sol-gel process

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