Expansion in the distribution of Pauesia silana Tremblay (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Aphidiinae), across North Africa, a recent discovery in Tunisia

  • سال انتشار: 1401
  • محل انتشار: مجله تنوع زیستی و سیستماتیک حشرات، دوره: 8، شماره: 3
  • کد COI اختصاصی: JR_JIBS-8-3_006
  • زبان مقاله: انگلیسی
  • تعداد مشاهده: 113
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Monia Ben Halima Kamel

Gestion des productions horticoles en mode conventionnelle et biologique, Institut Supérieur Agronomique Chott Mariem (ISA CM), Sousse University, ۴۰۴۲ Tunisia.

Sana Zouari

LR۲۱AGRO۵: Gestion des productions horticoles en mode conventionnelle et biologique, Institut Supérieur Agronomique Chott Mariem (ISA CM), Sousse University, ۴۰۴۲ Tunisia.

Hossein Barahoei

nstitute of Agricultural Research, University of Zabol, P.O. Box ۹۸۶۱۵-۵۳۸, I.R. Iran

Ehsan Rakhshani

Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zabol, ۹۸۶۱۵–۵۳۸, I.R. Iran.


View on Scopus The occurrence of Pauesia silana Tremblay, as an aphid parasitoid (Hym., Braconidae, Aphidiinae) in Tunisia is documented. The parasitoid was found in association with the Aleppo pine aphid, Cinara palaestinensis Hille Ris Lambers, infesting Pinus halepensis. Specimens were collected by the rearing of the mummified aphids from the colonies infested the pine trees in the Arboretum of the Institut Supérieur Agronomique Chott Mériem (ISA CM - Tunisia) during March–April ۲۰۲۱. A brief diagnosis is provided for the recorded parasitoid. This is the first record of a Pauesia species in Tunisia (out of the purposeful introduction of Pauesia antennata Mukerji). Two secondary parasitoids including Asaphes vulgaris Walker and Pachyneuron aphidis (Bouché) (Hym., Chalcidoidea, Pteromalidae) have also emerged from the mummified aphids. The known Cinara aphids and their associated parasitoids in the North African country are reviewed. Both Aleppo pine aphid and the newly detected parasitoid might be considered exotic species in North Africa, sourced from a recent accidental introduction inside the Mediterranean area, or a horizontal expansion across the North African countries.

کلیدواژه ها

Conifers, pest aphid, invasive species, biological control, parasitoids

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