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A Survey Existing and Desirable Status of Entrepreneurship in Sport of Iran from the View Point of Sport Experts

عنوان مقاله: A Survey Existing and Desirable Status of Entrepreneurship in Sport of Iran from the View Point of Sport Experts
شناسه ملی مقاله: CITYBIKE01_003
منتشر شده در اولین کنفرانس بین المللی دوچرخه شهری در سال 1390
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

Habib Honari - Assistant Professor , Sport Management, University of Allameh Tabatab i
Zeinab Mondalizadeh - M.S Sport Management, University of Allameh Tabatab i

خلاصه مقاله:
The purpose of the study is survey of existing status in Iran s entrepreneurial in sport from the View Point of Sport Experts. This study is descriptive_ analytic one and was conducted as a survey and statistical sample consisted of 90 subjects including: physical education organization, top managers, and sport management professors. Data is collected by research designed questionnaire. Its reliability ( =.96) is obtained after its validity confirmation (by professors). Information was analyzed by descriptive statistic and Friedman test. Research findings by survey and derivation of inner and outer factors in sport entrepreneurship showed that entrepreneurship in sport have more challenges to opportunities. Existing sport specializes in physical education organization, increased sport sciences and technology were most important strengths of sport entrepreneurship, and most important problems in sport entrepreneurship were repeated changes of management, weak management, and policy interventions in sport. As a result, physical education organization as sports trustee should use suitable strategies by strategic planning to decrease threats and applying the strategies provide background for employment, innovation, and mutation in sport of Iran. So, this research determines existing entrepreneurship status in sport which can help developing long term strategies for entrepreneurship in sport to achieve optimum and possible conditions.

کلمات کلیدی:
Entrepreneurship, Physical Education Organization, Existing Status, Desirable status, Sport

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