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Critical Perspectives on Contrastive Rhetoric: A Report From Iranians' EFL Reading Textbooks

عنوان مقاله: Critical Perspectives on Contrastive Rhetoric: A Report From Iranians' EFL Reading Textbooks
شناسه ملی مقاله: JR_ELT-5-12_005
منتشر شده در در سال 1392
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

مرضیه رفیعی - ph.D candidate, university of Isfahan, Iran
حسین وحیددستجردی - Associate professor, university of Isfahan,Iran
منصور توکلی - Associate professor, university of Isfahan, Iran

خلاصه مقاله:
The efficacy of genre-based approach to teaching writing has been regarded as an influential practice in L۲ writing pedagogy (Hyland, ۲۰۰۷). However, there is still gap between actual structures found in reading materials recommended as textbooks and discourse patterns recommended for L۲ writing in EFL contexts, the gap which would highlight the problems of genre and rhetorical patterns for teaching. The current study, therefore, is an attempt to explore the level of consistency between the rhetorical patterns found in reading textbooks and discourse pattern recommended for writing. For this purpose, a number of ۲۲ essays selected from textbooks were analyzed to identify (۱) the overall rhetorical structures, and (۲) the location of main idea and opinion of writers. The results show that while some texts did not follow the three-part structure of introduction-body-conclusion, main idea was presented in the introductory parts of essays, illustrating a deductive rhetorical pattern recommended for English writing. Further research was suggested as well.

کلمات کلیدی:
Contrastive rhetoric, Rhetorical organization, Genre instruction, University textbooks

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