Design of a novel enteric hard capsule formulation based on HPMCph biopolymer: Study of crucial capsule features

  • سال انتشار: 1401
  • محل انتشار: دهمین کنفرانس بین المللی شیمی، مهندسی شیمی و نفت
  • کد COI اختصاصی: IRCCE10_025
  • زبان مقاله: انگلیسی
  • تعداد مشاهده: 407
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Ramezani kalmer

Iran Gelatin capsule mfg Co, ۳۳۵۱۷۷۳۴۱۵, Tehran, Iran.

Mohsen Mohammadi Haddadan

Iran Gelatin capsule mfg Co, ۳۳۵۱۷۷۳۴۱۵, Tehran, Iran.

Dariush Samandarian

Iran Gelatin capsule mfg Co, ۳۳۵۱۷۷۳۴۱۵, Tehran, Iran.

Maryam Azizi

Iran Gelatin capsule mfg Co, ۳۳۵۱۷۷۳۴۱۵, Tehran, Iran.

Mojgan Ghanbari

Iran Gelatin capsule mfg Co, ۳۳۵۱۷۷۳۴۱۵, Tehran, Iran.

Atefeh Sadjadi nia

Iran Gelatin capsule mfg Co, ۳۳۵۱۷۷۳۴۱۵, Tehran, Iran.


In this study, a novel enteric hard capsule formulation have been introduced for the first time. It is noteworthy that the employed pH-sensitive polymer is hydroxypropyl methyl cellolose phtalte noted as (HPMCph). To understand and address the important involved parameters for development of this capsule formulation, dissolution profile and surface properties of capsule have been investigated in detail. Furthermore, the effect of binder, gelling agent, plasticizer and surfactsnt on capsule features have been assessed in details. Based on the obtained results, the results are very suitable and certifies the utilization of this capsule for industrial applications.

کلیدواژه ها

Hard capsule, Enteric, Polymer, drug, HPMCph

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