Examination of handrub and hand wash scrub on first andsecond operation in doctors and oncology operating room personnel inthe private hospital of Mashhad in the spring of ۱۴۰۱

  • سال انتشار: 1401
  • محل انتشار: بیست و سومین کنگره بین المللی میکروب شناسی ایران
  • کد COI اختصاصی: MEDISM23_320
  • زبان مقاله: انگلیسی
  • تعداد مشاهده: 151
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Zohreh Rokni

Infection control supervisor

Zahra Askari hosini

Infection control supervisor

Mahbobe Mokhtarpoor

Nursing manager


Background and Aim : Viruses and bacteria are important factors in chronic and acute infectionsin the hospital environment, so they cause irreparable effects on the patient. To reduce theseinfections, the simplest, cheapest and best way is to observe hand hygiene by medical personneland because the infection spreads easily in the operating room and the surgical site, the length ofthe patient's hospitalization and re-hospitalization increases, which imposes a heavy financialburden on the patient and the system. Therefore, observing hand hygiene in the operating room isimportant in preventing hospital infections. Objective: This study investigates the index of handhygiene using the hand rub and hand wash scrub method in the oncology operating room of aprivate hospital in Mashhad.Methods : Study of hand hygiene using two scrub methods on oncology operating room personnelin Mashhad private hospital, which includes ۱۰۲ cases of indirect observation by infection controlsupervisors using hand rub and hand wash methods which was organized to collect informationfrom a checklist approved by the World Health Organization, and each member of the researchcommunity was observed.Results : The average score of hand hygiene among first-operating doctors in Hand rub is ۷۸%and hand wash scrub is ۲۲% and in first-operating operation room personnel, Hand rub is ۹% andhand wash scrub is ۹۱% whereas The average score of hand hygiene among second-operatingdoctors in Hand rub is ۸۹% and hand wash scrub is ۱۱% and this average score for operating roompersonnel were ۱۳% hand rub and ۸۷% hand wash, which can be seen between the attitude ofdoctors and operating personnel in compliance with the global guidelines for safe surgery.Conclusion : Therefore, regarding the importance of hand hygiene in the patient’s safetyindicators, doctors should put more emphasis on the hand wash scrub considering the deficiencyof the immune system of cancer patients.

کلیدواژه ها

infection control, hand rub, hand wash, operating room

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