Preliminary Dosimetry Study of ۴۶Sc-AATS for Human Based on Biodistribution Data in wild-type mice

  • سال انتشار: 1401
  • محل انتشار: چهارمین همایش ملی تحقیقات میان رشته ای در علوم مهندسی و مدیریت
  • کد COI اختصاصی: IRCMS04_023
  • زبان مقاله: انگلیسی
  • تعداد مشاهده: 178
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Hamideh Bakhshi

Leila Moghaddam Banaem

Soudeh Sadat Saladi


Introduction:Thiosemicabazone and theirmetl complexes are active biological compounds that have antibactrial , antifungal and antitumor properties.for this perpose, in this article ,the labeling of acetyl acetate bis thiosemicarbazone complex by Scandium-۴۶ isotope has been done.Methods: Scandium-۴۶ was produced in the Tehran reaserch reactor by bombarding Sc-۴۵ by thermal neutron flux of ( ۳.۵ . ۱۰۱۳۱)during the ۴۵ Sc(n,γ) ۴۶ Sc reaction.then AATS complex was synthesized through chemical processes and after labeling the complex by Scandium-۴۶, the radiochemical purity was investigated by thin layer chromatography (TLC) and radiochromatography (ITLC),and finally its biodistribution was investigated after the injection of the labeled complex into mice.Results:the preparation of radionuclide with radiochemical purity above(> ۹۰%) has happened and radiochemical purity of the acetyl acetate bis thiosemicarbazone complex (AATS) labeled by Sc-۴۶ has been very favorable > ۹۸% and the study of the biodistribution of AATS-۴۶Sc complex was conducted within ۴۸ hours and noticeableDDiscuss:as seen, AATS has been successfully labeled by ۴۶ Sc isotope and its absrption mechanism has been very good, and it indicates that by labeling the above compound with Scandium-۴۷

کلیدواژه ها

Thiosemicabazone, Scandium-۴۶,labeling,biodistribution

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