Training Intensity Parameters in Elite Soccer Youth Players: A Competition Season Study

  • سال انتشار: 1400
  • محل انتشار: سیزدهمین همایش بین المللی علوم ورزشی
  • کد COI اختصاصی: SSRC13_486
  • زبان مقاله: انگلیسی
  • تعداد مشاهده: 60
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Masoud Kharatzadeh

Hadi Nobari

Sara Mahmoodzadkhalili

Jorge Pérez Gómez

Luca Paolo Ardigò


Excessive daily Training load monitoring (TL) can affect musculoskeletal system health of youth elite soccer players. The purposes of this study were (i) to describe TL and session rating of perceived exertion (s-RPE) throughout competition season; (ii) to analyze the weekly (w) differences of acute (daily) workload (wAWL), chronic workload (wCWL), acute-chronic workload ratio, training mo-notony (wTM) and training strain (wTS) among three periods over the season (early-, mid- and end- season) by playing position; and (iii) to compare the TL variables during competition periods for the whole team. twenty young soccer elite players from Sepahan team in the Premier League in the ۱۴-year category participated in this study. The game positions were considered as six wide defenders and wide midfielders (WM), five central defenders and central midfielders and four strikers (ST). Daily monitoring was continued for ۲۶ weeks during a full competition season. According to the league schedule, the season was divided into three periods: early-season from w۱ to w۸, mid-season from w۹ to w۱, and end-season from w۱۸ to w۲۶. In conclusion, daily TL and s-RPE had meaningful fluctuations during all macro- cycles of competition season. Also, in the mid-season, wTM and wTS were higher and, among all playing positions, WM had meaningfully greater value of wAWL and wCWL compared with the other positions. Training load monitoring could be the key for coaches of soccer teams to prevent overtraining and injury, especially in U-۱۴ players, who are more susceptible to get affected by high workload.

کلیدواژه ها

monitoring؛ Performance؛ playing position؛ RPE؛ youth player

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