Model of Climatic Elements Affecting water Production by Air Conditioner (Case Study of Rasht)

  • سال انتشار: 1400
  • محل انتشار: دو فصلنامه تحقیقات سطوح استحصال آب، دوره: 4، شماره: 1
  • کد COI اختصاصی: JR_WHR-4-1_011
  • زبان مقاله: انگلیسی
  • تعداد مشاهده: 81
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Jalal Behzadi

Assistant Professor and Faculty Member of Islamic Azad University, Lahijan Branch, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources


Three percent out of seventy percent of earth planet water is freshwater that one percent of that is accessible. Pollution is added to the water shortage crisis, so humans are thinking about new water resources and trying to obtain them. Rainfall in Gilan province is abundant but irregular, especially in Rasht city. Temperature and evaporation increase in the late spring and summer, also, rainfall decrease in that time. Meanwhile, all cities and villages of Gilan, especially Rasht and its suburbs, use the gas air conditioner, and using this cooling system in buildings is developing day by day. The research was carried out in a room with a square of ۳۳ m۲ at the temperature of comfort range of ۲۰ °C using an air conditioner of the ۲۸۰۰۰ type. The water flow, temperature, and humidity were recorded hourly during the day and night, and statistical analysis (descriptive-analytical) was performed. Finally, a simple model was obtained from the existing relationship between climatic elements (temperature and humidity) with water flow. Temperature and water flow have a first-degree relationship and humidity and water flow have a second-degree relationship. The first-degree relationship showed that when the temperature decreases, the water flow increases so that a negative or inverse relationship is created. But in the second relation, with increasing humidity, Water flow increases, and with decreasing humidity, the flow decreases. Temperature as an independent and main factor has an inverse effect on water flow and humidity. Finally, the data (temperature, humidity, and water flow) were classified in SPSS software. By setting the temperature and humidity data in one of the groups, the amount of water obtained from the air conditioner (flow) is well predicted, and it can be generalized. The average amount of water obtained from the air conditioner is about ۳۰ Lit/hr for an area of ۳۳ m۲. Using more air conditioners in more areas will obtain more water flow which will meet a big part of the needs of families.

کلیدواژه ها

Temperature, Air conditioner Water, Rasht, humidity, Water shortage

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