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Provide a model for logical establish of fire stations (Case study: Tabriz)

عنوان مقاله: Provide a model for logical establish of fire stations (Case study: Tabriz)
شناسه ملی مقاله: JR_JORAR-7-2_006
منتشر شده در در سال 1393
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

بهزاد رنجبرنیا
بهزاد رنجبرنیا
معصومه قاسمی خوئی
ابوالقاسم تقی زاده فانید
محمدعلی سالکی ملکی

خلاصه مقاله:
yle="margin-left:-۴.۲۵pt;"> Background: Fire stations are examples of important and vital serving centers in cities during and after crisis. It is obvious that on time services of fire stations depend on locating at suitable places in order to enable firefighters to reach the scene and take necessary measures in less time without any constraints of urban environment and least negative impact on the lives of residents. yle="margin-left:-۴.۲۵pt;"> Methods: In this paper, location and function of fire stations in Tabriz city has been analyzed and new stations were located using method of descriptive-analysis, network analysis, AHP model, GIS, spatial distribution. yle="margin-left:-۴.۲۵pt;"> Results: The results show that Tabriz is facing a shortage in the number and distribution of fire stations and the distribution pattern of these stations do not fit in with the development and density of city. These stations cover only ۶۰% of built area of the city and ۳۰ percent of legal limits. yle="margin-left:-۴.۲۵pt;"> Conclusions: According to the priorities, this result is achieved that the commercial center of the city, worn texture and marginalized communities and populated areas are among the areas with the highest priority. Also, it concluded that the combined use of AHP model and network analysis in GIS can be a suitable model for the fire stations locating and prioritizing in different cities.

کلمات کلیدی:
Site selecting, Fire stations, AHP, Network analysis, GIS., مکان یابی, ایستگاه آتش نشانی, AHP, تحلیل شبکه, GIS.

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