Lunotriquetral Ligament Repair Using Augmented Internal Brace

  • سال انتشار: 1401
  • محل انتشار: مجله استخوان و جراحی عمومی، دوره: 10، شماره: 5
  • کد COI اختصاصی: JR_TABO-10-5_014
  • زبان مقاله: انگلیسی
  • تعداد مشاهده: 141
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Rustam Karanjia

Rowley Bristow Orthopaedic Unit, Ashford and St. Peter’s Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, St. Peter’s Hospital, Guildford St, Lyne, Chertsey

Daniel Rossiter

Rowley Bristow Orthopaedic Unit, Ashford and St. Peter’s Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Chertsey, UK

Mohamed A. Mokhtar

۳ Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, Greater Manchester, UK ۴ Department of Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery, Suez Canal University, Egypt

A. Ali Narvani

Rowley Bristow Orthopaedic Unit, Ashford and St. Peter’s Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, St. Peter’s Hospital, Guildford St, Lyne, Chertsey

Mohamed A. Imam

Rowley Bristow Orthopaedic Unit, Ashford and St. Peter’s Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, St. Peter’s Hospital, Guildford St, Lyne, Chertsey Rowley Bristow Orthopaedic Unit, Ashford and St. Peter’s Hospitals NHS Foundation


Lunotriquetral (LT) ligament tear, usually in combination with an adjacent carpal ligament injury, can result in complete LT dissociation and VISI (Volarflexed Intercalated Segment Instability). Operative techniques for the management of instability are highly variable with many described in literature, although there is little evidence to demonstrate the superiority of one definitive therapeutic technique of repair and reconstruction. In this paper, we discuss our proposed technique for performing LT ligament repair using an augmented internal brace, which addresses triquetral extension and lunate flexion. The internal brace construct also provides biomechanical superiority as it includes the augmentation of the ligament and capsule repair. We use figures and references from our case example to demonstrate this technique.Level of evidence: V

کلیدواژه ها

Berger flap, DISI, ligament repair, Lunotriquetral, VISI

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