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Planar Multibeam Array Antenna with Rotman Lens Beamformer for ۵GHz Band Wireless Applications

عنوان مقاله: Planar Multibeam Array Antenna with Rotman Lens Beamformer for ۵GHz Band Wireless Applications
شناسه ملی مقاله: JR_JCESH-9-2_006
منتشر شده در در سال 1399
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

Farid Shokouhi - Dept. of Electrical & Computer Eng., Isfahan Univ. of Technology, ۸۴۱۵۶۸۳۱۱۱
Zaker Hossein Firouzeh - Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran

خلاصه مقاله:
A planar multi-beam array with a co-planar Rotman lens beamformer is introduced for wireless applications. The array consists of ۸ linear series-fed subarrays with proximity-coupled patch elements. The Rotman lens feeds the subarrays through coupling slots. To reduce beam squinting, the subarrays are fed from the center. The coupling slot feeds each arm of a subarray ۱۸۰° out of phase. To compensate out-of phase feeding, two feeding arms of each subarray are designed in the opposite direction. Also, cross-polar radiation is reduced significantly. In order to reduce the size of radiating patches to fit within array cell size, they are formed by four sub-patches with indentions and are fed by microstrip line from feed layer with two matching sections to improve the bandwidth. Measured results of the array structure in terms of the S-parameter of beam ports and radiation patterns are presented.

کلمات کلیدی:
beamforming network, microstrip antenna, planar array, rotman lens, series-feds

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