Effect of Sr substitution on structural, redox and catalytic properties of nano-particles La۱-xSrxMn۰.۵Co۰.۵O۳ (x = ۰.۰, ۰.۱, ۰.۲, ۰.۳, ۰.۴, ۰.۵) as a catalyst for CO oxidation

سال انتشار: 1393
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 232

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 12 مهر 1400

چکیده مقاله:

Structural features of La(۱-x)SrxMn۰.۵Co۰.۵O۳ (x = ۰.۰, ۰.۱, ۰.۲, ۰.۳, ۰.۴, and ۰.۵) nano-particles were investigated using X-ray powder diffraction and FT-IR spectroscopy. The characterization of compounds by X-ray powder diffraction and using Fullprof program show a cubic structure (Pm۳m space group) for x = ۰.۰ and a rhombohedra structure (R-۳c space group) for the Sr substituted La(۱-x)SrxMn۰.۵Co۰.۵O۳ samples. Crystallite size and unit cell parameters decrease with Sr substitution. The electrical conductivity of the samples in oxidizing (air) and reducing atmosphere (۶%CO in nitrogen) and also band gap of the samples has been investigated to interpret the performance of samples. Results show that their behavior increases non-uniformly with increase in Sr substitution. An increase of Sr substitution up to ۰.۵ increases the performance of the samples and an optimal catalytic activity in the low-temperature conversion of CO to CO۲. It is mainly attributed to a decrease of the crystallite size.

کلیدواژه ها:

Manganite-Cobaltite ، Air Pollutants ، Conversion of CO to CO۲


Marzieh Lotfi

School of Physics, Damghan University (DU), Damghan, I. R. Iran.

Ahmad Gholizadeh

School of Physics, Damghan University (DU), Damghan, I. R. Iran.

Azim Malekzadeh

School of Chemistry, Damghan University (DU), Damghan, I. R. Iran.